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-Later on that night.

Seth woke up to a strange sound. The king opened his eyes and turned to see his mate whimpering, his face scrunched in discomfort, his hand on his stomach.

"Dean?" He asked as he sat up, his voice full of worry as he firmly shook him a couple of times until his mate made a low noise and his eyes began to open. Sitting up as well, Dean looked around before he noticed Seth, eyes widening in some seconds before he remembered earlier happenings.

"Seth..." He mumbled, voice still sleepy.

"Is something wrong?"

Dean didn't reply, he seemed to think of an answer, but nothing came out of his mouth as he looked back at Seth.

"Ah!!" He yelped, his hands clutching his abdomen.

Seth was knelt by his side in an instant.

"Dean, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He quickly asked.

Dean just answered by taking his hand and placing it on his belly.

Then it happened again. Seth snatched his hand away, eyes wide and speechless. He looked into the watery eyes of his pregnant mate.

"S-Seth... Something's wrong, isn't it?" He cried, his voice full of worry as bloodied tears dripped down his face. Seth blinked at first, but a warm smile formed across his face. He placed a hand on his wife's cheek, thumbing away tears as he kissed the area gently.

"Shh, calm down, love. It's alright. Nothing is wrong." He reassured his distressed mate.

"But..." Dean sniffed. "I-I felt something. Something must be wrong with the babies, Seth."

Seth sat down beside his uke and kissed his lips to calm him down, his hand coming to rest on his round belly.

"I felt it too." He smiled warmly. "They're kicking, Darling."

Dean's eyes grew wide and he blinked. "Kicking?"

Seth nodded as he guided Dean's hand to where he felt one of the babies and waited.


Dean flinched slightly but was struck speechless when he felt his unborn child moving beneath him.

"Seth, they're-" He gasped.

"I know." Seth smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

"Feeling better?" Seth asked after a brief moment of silence.

"Yeah." Dean chuckled softly. "It scared me.. I didn't know if-"

"We will get through this together, love. Even if there are troublesome times ahead, I'll help you through this. We will spend the rest of eternity together, my Queen, making this planet suffer and having many children together." Seth interrupted Dean, soothing his anxiety. This calmed his uke down.

"I know." He purred as his lover pulled him close, until his head rested on his chest. Seth began to gently stroke his belly, earning a few additional kicks from one or more of his pups inside and even the content purring of his beloved uke.

"But, I have one condition." Dean asked after a moment of being lost in his thoughts.

"What is it, your Majesty?" Seth chuckled as he kissed his cheek.

"Once the children are born and once I've regained my strength enough to go to war with you." Dean smirked. "Leave Kevin Owens to me. I want to be the one responsible for getting rid of the last Guardian."

Seth blinked in shock and when he saw that wicked smile on his mate's face, it only made him love him more. Not long after he'd reunited with his mate, he read Dean's mind while he was asleep and found out what Kevin and his other former friends had done to him. Left him to rot in an underwater prison. If his wife wanted to get revenge on Kevin, then so be it. Heck, he'd bring that blasted Guardian's head on a silver platter to Dean if that's what he wanted!!

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