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"Aaaah!" Dean screamed as he sat bolt upright in bed, his skin drenched with cold sweat.

Where was he?

What just happened?


The blonde instantly turned his head to the source of the low noise. Beside him, his husband sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning, showing off his white fangs. His sleepy crimson orbs glowed in the dark.

"S-Seth?" He managed to say, still a little shocked.

"Is everything alright?" The king asked, wrapping his mate in his strong arms and bringing him closer to his chest.

"Y-yeah." He sighed, feeling better the more Seth held him as he closed his eyes. "It was just a dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?" His husband asked groggily, trying to stifle back another yawn.

Dean's closed eyes snapped open, a blush on his face.

Should he tell him?

He then looked his at his sleepy husband and smiled.

"No, love, you go back to sleep." He said, nuzzling into the crook of Seth's neck before giving him a peck on the cheek. "I'm going to go take a shower, alright?"

"Alright." The king mumbled, his head returning to his black silk pillows to continue his death-like slumber. He was out like a light within minutes.

Dean smiled down at his mate, Seth looked so peaceful and innocent when asleep, but when he was awake it was an entirely different story. Dean winced in pain from a sudden throbbing headache, he pulled back the black silk covers on their king-sized bed and quickly stood, staggering a little as he made his way to their shared bathroom. The blonde splashed cool water on his face and stared at the mirror.

Nothing stared back.

Dean shook his head to try and get that dream out of his head. And he just so happened to look down.

"Shit!" He whispered and quickly turned on the showerhead, setting the water temperature to cold.

He stepped inside and allowed the water to calm him… And his friend down a bit. He leaned against the shower wall and closed his eyes for a moment.

And then he blinked, frowning as he rubbed his eyes. Looking around, he asked himself.

"Why is everything pink?!"

Later on that day, Dean was put through royal training. And he absolutely hated it.

He had to spend two hours at The New Day tailors, getting fitted for his new crown and royal attire and another hour at Carmella's hair salon, getting his haircut.

Now, he'd dealt with some pretty horrible individuals before, but this snotty woman by the name of Madame Guerrillo was much worse.

"Excuse me! A true queen does not slouch in their posture!" She said when Dean slumped in his chair during his endless studies.

"Excuse me! A true queen walks with their head held high and with poise and grace!" She said when he walked with a little pep in his step. 

"Excuse me! A true queen keeps their hair well groomed!" She said when she saw Dean's windblown hair after he snuck out of his studies for a quick run.

"Excuse me! A true queen uses proper etiquette when eating!" She said when Dean just had a little ketchup on his face from the curly fries that he had for lunch from Arby's.

"Excuse me! A true queen does not scowl!" She said when Dean started giving her death glares.

Dean was surely gonna show her what a true queen was alright!

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