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As Dean walked on, he noticed something. There were more people walking around now. He raised a brow, but remembered that Renee said everyone would start waking up by the time Blood Lust arrived.

And of course, whenever he passed one or walked by a group, they could smell Seth's scent on him, letting them know that he was his mate. They either bowed as they walked by or stopped completely, moving aside to let the queen pass. Dean smiled, he could get used to this.

Once he found a library, he sat down at a table and opened the large book, carefully reading over every vital piece of information about his kind. And since Dean was a fast runner, he was also a fast reader. So, in the matter of an hour, the blonde had read the encyclopedia-sized book twice, from front to back.

There was so much that he'd learned that he never knew about vampires, like the fact that garlic does not harm them at all, it just agitates their sensitive noses. Or that queens have been known to go insane during a lunar eclipse, or Blood Moon, as the book stated. Or the fact that they don't sleep in coffins and most importantly, they don't glitter when they step into the sunlight.

But, the part that intrigued him the most was when he came upon the part about Blood Lust. During the two weeks that led up to the vampire mating season, virgin females and ukes get what were known as mating flares or instinctive sex spikes. Their instincts flare up, taking control of their bodies for short periods of time, increasing as the day of Blood Lust draws closer and closer.

The first sign of a mating flare or spike is unwanted intimate thoughts of them and their mate. The second is when the submissive mate starts seeing everything in blood red. Thirdly, waves of burning pleasure would pulse through their body. The symptoms increase as the days pass, the thoughts becoming so strong that the female or uke can no longer sleep and the waves of pleasure increasing until if feel as if their insides are constantly on fire. If they don't mate with their partner by the time Blood Lust is over, the submissive mate would die. Vampires are the living dead, but one that doesn't survive the mating season would be dead permanently. Dean closed the book and just stared at it, both in shock and in awe.

Hope that doesn't happen to me.

He thought. He shuddered at the thought and left the library. Then, he decided to go and search for Renee and Sami, having yet to find out how they became vampires. Stopping one of the commoners in the hallway, he asked where were the male's and female's rooms.

The commoner, EC3, said that the Omegas both shared a floor. It was the fourth floor from the top and only had two doors, the one on the left leading to Renee's room and the one on the right leading to Sami's. Dean thanked the male and continued on.

After he got to the fourth floor, Dean knocked on Sami's door, but no one was there. So, he decided to try Renee's. The door was opened slightly so he peeked in. He saw Renee and Sami happily conversing on the large balcony rails, their legs hanging over the side. 

"Hey, guys, can I come in?" Dean knocked, poking his head inside. 

"Oh, yeah, come on in!" They both smiled. 

"What's on your mind?" Sami asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk and hang out with you guys."

"Well, hop on up and take a seat." Renee laughed, patting the wide marble rail they sat on.

"So, tell me, how long have you guys known each other?" Dean asked once he was nicely settled on the balcony rail beside them, pulling his knee up to his chest.

Renee and Sami raised a brow and replied. "Uh… All our lives, why?"

"What, you two were destined to be together or something?" He joked.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu