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Well, they were all at Tressa Park now, having easily left Bayley and the others lost back in the mall. Although Randy and Sami had to literally be dragged from Victoria's Secret because all the women wanted to keep them since they found them so adorable!

So, Dean figured that they might as well enjoy it. At least, that's what he figured they should do. In reality, they probably should be trying to figure out what their first move against The Matrix would be, but you know what? Even heroes needed a break sometimes.

Vampires included!!

Randy went off to the shooting range while Dean and Seth went to the food court. Renee grabbed Sami's hand as usual, leading the now limping male away in his new sneakers. And just when they walked past the Tunnel of Love, the gentleman there named Adam Rose asked:

"You two lovebirds don't wanna ride?"

Renee and Sami blinked and looked at their intertwined fingers before snatching their hands away, both shouting. "HELL NO!!"

The guy just looked embarrassed as both grumbled and stormed away together, but not before giving one another looks of disgust.

"Ugh, this is all your fault, you know that?!" Renee could be heard shouting to the ginger headed male.

"Me?! How the hell is it my fault?! You're the one always holding my hand!!" Sami shouted back.

"Oh just shut up, Sami!!"

"Come on Seth!" Dean took his mate's hand and dragged him from an over decorated picnic table where they had stopped for a bite to eat. Dean hadn't eaten for like a day, and still had yet to consume blood, so his stomach happily accepted the five sets of Curly Fries he wolfed down. Seth had only decided to eat two.

Almost immediately all eyes were drawn to the sight, both because Dean was holding someone's hand, which was a very rare thing to see indeed, and because that someone happened to be another male.

The new couple had become the hottest thing talked about in the past few hours, the word spreading like wildfire, so it was almost expected that when Dean and Seth walked into the room, they became the beacon of sometimes unwanted attention.

Especially the person in charge of dart throwing booth, who was practically leaping up and down while trying to flag them over.

Thankfully, most people were either too uneasy about approaching the brunette that had the look of death in his eyes, or were too shy and preferred to simply observe and have a fan girl fit at the yaoi couple.

In any case, Dean was not immediately swamped with adoring fans and was even able to walk hand-in-hand with Seth effortlessly through the crowd and towards that very same dart game.

When the blonde got there, the teenager smiled and handed him a whole cups worth of darts.

"The games on me!" He smiled. It was a great idea, because now that people were watching, that would most likely mean that they'd come play as well.

Of course, Dean wasn't one to catch on to those kinds of things, and honestly who would when told they could play and it was for free?

He figured he got it for saving the city like a hundred times, which was totally just something he did because he was being a nice guy.

Besides, if this was how the public wanted to show their thanks, then Dean figured he would be being rude by not accepting it.

"Hey Seth, bet I can hit more balloons than you!" Dean smirked at his mate, his childish side coming to the fore.

Seth's brown eyes turned towards Dean and flashed dangerously as he smirked. "I bet you just bit off more than you can chew, love."

"Heh, just watch this!" The blonde picked up one of the darts in his cup and quickly whipped it towards the board. But, without proper care to aim, the dart missed all the balloons completely. It landed directly in-between a blue and red balloon, which was very unlikely.

After all, with a huge wall full of balloons, what were the chances it would land in the space between two?

The Alpha-now-mortal snickered, picked up his own dart, and seconds later there was a loud pop! Pink pieces of latex fluttered to the ground after, leaving the dart stuck in the board.

Dean scoffed and picked up another, trying to be patient this time and aim. When it bounced off a balloon, the blonde seemed to lose what fragile composure that he had left, shouting. "Was that even legal?!"

Another pop. The balloon piece fell, along with the first dart Dean had thrown, released from the cork by the vibrations of the Alpha's strong throws and deadly aiming.
Scowling, Dean tried again. This time it fell short and his eye twitched.

A dark chuckle and another loud pop were all that were needed before a nuclear bomb exploded inside the losing blonde. Furious, he shoved the cup aside and then crossed his arms, turning away from Seth and the teenager behind the booth. "This game is ridiculous!"

Dean's outburst was followed by a brief moment of silence, then pops went off like firecrackers. Dean whipped around and saw that Seth had thrown the darts all at the same time, and each one of them had made their mark. Dumbfounded, he stared in shock, his mouth on the floor while the guy behind the counter started going on and on about how this new guy had been amazing.

And deadly he quietly added.

Dean snapped back to himself when Seth was offered a pink teddy holding a heart.

"I'd much rather have the blue one." Seth growled, crossing his arms and refusing to even look at the bear that was handed to him.

The teenager quickly switched the toys, probably scared that darts would be thrown his way if he didn't obey. After trading the prizes, the teen turned, calling more people over to play. The people who had watched Dean and Seth with their undivided attention quickly flocked over to the stand, along with a few others who had noticed the vampires playing, but had only watched with some interest from far away.

The booth got full fast, so Dean and Seth moved away from it so they wouldn't be in the way, despite how badly Dean was itching for a rematch. Once they were safe from the crowd, Seth happily handed over his trophy for his wife. "Here."

Dean blinked at it for a moment, and then suddenly broke out into a teasing grin as he accepted it. "Did you go through all that trouble to win this for me? Aw! You shouldn't have!"

Seth chuckled. "What trouble?"

The runner glared at his husband before looking down at the bear. It was rather adorable, with it's button nose and little button eyes. And it was soft looking as well, something a child would really enjoy hugging until it's eyes popped out of it's stuffing. Dean had a big smile on his face as he hugged it just as tight. Both males walked on, while Dean wrapped his arms protectively around the bear, carrying it much like a child would. "Why didn't you want the pink one?"

"Blue is my favorite color." Seth smiled, looking his wife up and down out the corner of his eyes.

The heat was burning his cheeks again. "Oh..."

Silence stretched around them for a time, each just enjoying the other's company, until the next gentlemen at the booth beside the dart throwing game started waving his arms like mad. Figuring if having Dean and this new guy come to one booth boosted that guy's profits, then maybe having them come to his ring tossing game would be just as effective.

He looked from the gentleman to Seth, as if asking for permission. Seth merely smiled and nodded his head in that direction.

Then his wife zipped off towards the booth, making sure to save a seat for the small teddy bear while the man behind the booth started running off at the mouth before handing over the rings to toss.

The brunette smirked at his queen's child-like behavior, and slowly followed.

After that, the young couple had been lured into every game to be played at the park and Dean had to give away all the animals he won, except the teddy bear of course since they all wouldn't fit on the bike.

Both had joined up with the others to go down to the go-cart course and raced one another, went to the Falling Fast roller coaster, and Seth burst into laughter when both males looked at the picture taken just before the biggest drop of the Heart Breaker.

Of course, that was only because the ride was dropping into water and
Dean had practically screamed like a little girl...

Talk about sounding like a wife.

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