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Once brought back to his underwater cell, where there was no escape, Dean made his way to the bed, surprised that the bloodied sheets had actually been changed and curled up, a very uncharacteristic whimper sounded through the room as Dean studied the bloody shoe prints from beforehand, his shoulders shuddering as he bit back a sob.

Hours quickly turned into days and days turned into his first week in prison. And Dean spent most of his days sitting in front of the underwater window, gazing at the marine life that swam by on random occasions or just being lost in thought. He'd tried time after time to mentally contact his husband, but he assumed he was too far away. He just hoped that his Seth was alright. He'd grown quiet and depressed, his sadness at losing his lifelong friends slowly but surely turning into hatred.

No one cared about him enough to have at least tried and defend him in court and no one visited him now. They'd taken away his freedom which in turn took away his ability to run. They took away his joy and happiness. They took him away from Seth. After all the things that he'd done for the people of the Earth, after the countless times that he'd singlehandedly saved them, this was the thanks he got for one fatal mistake.

Dean was glad that Seth would soon bring down The Matrix because with both their world hero and their army gone, who would there be protect those low-life humans and his former friends then?

Dean no longer cared as the days dragged on, his trademark grin buried deep underneath a cold, blank expression. Then, the days started to get increasingly difficult. 

At the end of his first week he woke up one night, in his vampire form, and he was shocked to see everything was blood red. Then, the arousing thoughts and endless dreams returned and would either wake him up or keep him awake, having to regrettably jack off constantly just to get rid of the thoughts that would return every few hours. Then, the waves of pleasure started as the second week arrived, making his jolt awake in his sleep one night with an aching arousal that just wouldn't stay hidden. 

Dean was absolutely miserable. He couldn't sleep because all he would see was Seth. He couldn't eat, for all he wanted was Seth's blood.

Everything even smelled like Seth!

There were nights as Blood Lust had begun and would soon leave, that the blonde would cry and scream out in pain because he could now literally hear the pleasure-filled moans and groans of him and his mate and his insides felt as if lava coursed through his veins. The male, by that time, was extremely sick and malnourished.

Then, one night, he just couldn't take it anymore, being woken up once more by yet another searing wave of pleasure, he sat up screaming, dark bags beneath his bloodshot eyes. The ill male leapt from his bed and stomped over to his glass window. His short pants changed into short growls. The growls grew louder and louder, his anger rapidly increasing before:


He screamed at the top of his lungs and punched the glass with all his might, breaking his hand. 

The poor male yelped in pain, holding his busted appendage. Tears streamed from his eyes before he perked at a slight sound. He looked up and saw a tiny crack in the window, water seeping through. The vampire blinked and barely brushed his hand over the crack before it suddenly grew wider. The male gasped and ran for the door, right when the window gave way and dumped it's endless contents of the ocean into the room.

Dean was engulfed within minutes, tossed and turned about in the currents. What he wasn't aware of was the blaring sound from the alarms of a security breach. Dean was soon able to get a grip on what was going on and pushed himself towards the entrance, his hand already healing thanks to his vampire abilities. If he made it out of there in one piece and back home to Seth somehow, he was seriously going to thank his husband for teaching him how to swim. And since he didn't need to breathe, he could take his time trying to get away.

Once outside, he gazed back at the underwater hell-hole that he'd known for long enough. And then, he stopped in his tracks, looking up at the surface. The bottoms of large security boats could be seen floating overhead, just waiting for the vampire to pop up so that he could be captured again. 

Like hell that was gonna happen. Dean's body and conscience was taken over by his instincts and it forced the male to turn around and swim as far away from the prison as possible. Once the prison was far out of sight, Dean rose to the surface. He looked all around and all he could see was water. A wave of pleasure pulsed through him again and instincts snapped into control once more, making him bring out his black wings. The muscles pumped and lifted the entranced male high into the air.

Since The Land Of The Architect faded away during the day and reappeared at night wherever the fog emerged, it was never the same place twice which is why The Matrix couldn't find them. But, it could be sensed by vampires. Dean could sense his homeland was now somewhere north and that was the direction he shot off towards, making a sonic boom miles high above the sea.

The male pumped harder and harder, flying across the unknown terrain of his kingdom, trying to get to his home as fast as his wings could carry him. He wouldn't last much longer if he attempted to use Vortex energy. Tonight was the last night of Blood Lust. If he didn't find Seth within the next few hours…

A harsh cough was enough to stop the frail uke, a hand coming to his mouth the harder he coughed. His chest felt like it was on fire. Then, his eyes widened when his hand dripped of his own blackened blood. Blood trickled out of both nose and mouth of the shaking male.


His panicking mate called out through their mental connection.

"SEEEEEEETTTTTHHHHH!!!" His dying queen screeched, his hoarse voice cried out as it echoed through the dark forest with the full blue moon that indicated Blood Lust watching the Alpha Queen fall from the midnight sky.

His distressed call was answered in the form of a crimson streak in the night…

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now