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The now immortalized queen Dean Ambrose-Rollins, was able to walk through the enormous palace without fear. He was one of them now. He'd gaze up at all the slumbering drones and smile. He couldn't wait for them to wake so that he could meet them all.

He held onto Seth's arm as they walked through the moonlit corridors, looking for the others, listening to his husband summarize the rest of his past.

Seth went on to tell his wife about how Paul had a hard time getting the vampire boy out of the tree that morning because the man was a human mortal (his mother had completely forgotten to mention that). 

After some time, the young prince went on to live with Paul and his granddaughter, AJ, in a cozy little cottage at least ten miles from the nearest village. This made keeping a rapidly growing vampire in your attic not much of a hassle. Seth was able to grow healthy and strong, consuming the chicken blood left behind by Paul whenever the inventor drained the poultry for their dinner.

But on some occasions, he'd sneak into the village, by transforming into some random homeless guy's shadow and wait for the exact moment to strike. As winter pressed on he was rather fortunate, on many occasions, to feast on the throats of deer that wandered into their yard to feed on the salt lick outside, as well.

Vampires ate many other things, just like regular humans, but young children needed blood the most to help them grow. For many years, the young Alpha stayed with the Heyman's, coming to view them as his own family, especially AJ.

AJ was a very sickly girl and wasn't able to venture outside much since they were so far away from town, which led to her spending all her time with Seth. He came to view the seven year old as a sister, as his own sibling…

But no one would replace Roman.

There were many days, while the boy slept, that he would be plagued with nightmares of the tragic night, replaying over and over again in his head. It caused him to put his all in his training. For ten whole years, Seth lived with them and trained relentlessly, growing more stronger.

More powerful.

More agile.

More deadly.

His motivation was that one day, he'd have his five inch long fangs sank deep within the throat of The Matrix's leader.

Once he was dealt with, it wouldn't be long before the others immediately follow. He trained with all his might for the day when he'd face The Matrix. But, that day came all too soon, when the knights burst through the door one evening, instantly killing Paul.

They'd been given a tip by a man that'd been hunting in the woods nearby a few days ago when he spotted the young Alpha playing with Paul's granddaughter. AJ and Seth were able to make it out the back door, onto their horses and into the woods, but it didn't take long before an arrow through the heart ended the young girl's life.

Seth was too far ahead of her to help before it was too late. He wasn't able to turn back because they were hot on his trail. The last thing he remembered seeing before he used the Vortex Shard away was the cottage that he'd come to call home go up in smoke, everything he'd come to love was consumed by the flames. This only added gasoline to the now sixteen year old's own fire.

As Dean listened on, his anger towards The Matrix started to grow as well. He never really liked the army, but now he had a reason.

No one should have to suffer that much pain and heartache twice in their lives, and at such a young age, all because of what they are. Seth couldn't help that he was born that way.

He'd make sure that his king would get his vengeance, even if it meant dragging that damned Commander to Seth himself. His husband would have his revenge, regardless of what he said.

"Seth?" The queen asked after a moment of walking in silence. "How long was it before you met Roman again? What happened?"

Seth chuckled at the memories that came to mind and smiled to his wife. "It was one of the most unforgettable days of my life."

"Well, what happened?"

"We kicked each other's ass, that's what happened." He laughed. Dean raised a brow as his husband continued.

"Since I was old enough to take care of myself, I ventured out on my own after escaping the incident with The Matrix. I was able to come across many other vampires in my travels, who'd also been in hiding since my parents' deaths. When I revealed to them that I was the new Alpha they were thrilled, having hoped that at least one member of the royal family had survived. Over time, I gathered many followers, wiping out as many Matrix members and hideouts as possible along the way. But, what I didn't know was that there was another Alpha out there as well."

Dean listened on as Seth continued on.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now