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"I apologize for that brief interruption, my Darling." The Alpha said once the door closed.

"There's no need to apologize, Seth." Dean replied, blushing slightly for being called his Darling. "Finn needed your help and you knew exactly what to do. That was very kind of you on your part."

Seth smiled and went to sit on top of the office desk instead of in the leather chair, placing one leg atop the other. The wine bottle filled with the red liquid caught his attention.

Holding the bottle in his hand, he glanced over at Dean before corking it and setting it aside. He could tell it made him uncomfortable.

"My brother would have my head if I'd have done anything otherwise." He smiled. "Roman and Finn have been married for going on three and a half centuries now and they are expecting their first child together. It was the least I could do."

Dean's mouth almost hit the floor. 'Three and a half centuries?!"

He quickly regained his composure before asking. "Wait, why would they wait so long to have a child?"

Seth chuckled. "What you mortals consider a century is entirely different from our point-of-view. Centuries feel more like months to us. Those two are practically newly-weds!"

Dean scratched his head trying to process the information. "But, I don't understand something. If those two are males, how can Finn be pregnant?"

"It's quite simple really. Some male vampires end up becoming pregnant to please their mates. It's like their bodies can sense if their mate wants a child or not. In Finn's case, Roman apparently wanted an heir, so his body unknowingly gave him the... Internal adjustments needed to conceive."

"Uh... Huh.." Dean replied, scratching his head again in deep thought. He was actually caught off guard when the red Vortex Shard suddenly plopped into his hands. He looked up at Seth, blinking with confusion.

The brunette's legs hung over the side of the desk, his elbows resting on his knees as one hand held the blue Vortex Shard in it's grasp and the other tossed the green one in the air.

"Don't expect to get the others back anytime soon." Seth chuckled.

Dean frowned, instantly back in hero-mode. "And why not? What do you plan on doing with the Vortex Shards? What sort of evil plan do you have in mind?!"

"Relax babe, sheesh." The vampire snickered. "I have no intention of using the Vortex Shards for something apocalyptic, in case you were wondering. In fact, I have zero to no interest in them at all."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you want them?"

"Well, I had to find some reason to get you to come here." He laughed. "And what better way than borrowing a few shards for motivation?"

"But, that still doesn't explain why you aren't upping the other two!" The hero protested.

"Simple, these two are my favorites, especially the blue one." He merely answered.

"And why is that?"

"The red one matches the dog tag necklace that I like and the blue one reminds me of your eyes." The dark lord warmly smiled.

Dean was speechless and blushing yet again.

How could you make a comeback to something like that?

"So, tell me, do you still want to risk fighting the Vampire King over the other two, Dean?" He grinned evilly, flashing his white fangs.

Dean gulped.

Now, how did he know that I--

Seth raised an eyebrow, cockily smirking at him. Dean looked embarrassed.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now