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"Do you think you'll get an ultrasound today?"

"Yeah." Dean closed the magazine he was looking at and put it back on the shelf. "I think so."

Seth smiled and leaned back in his chair. "I hope you do."

"You seem excited."

"I am." He said cheerfully, grinning at his uke. "I want to see it."

"Maybe we'll get to."


Dean's blood-work had come in mostly normal for the stage he was at. His hormones were stable and his white blood cell count was good, given his immune system's history. Everything was going smoothly.

They were back to see Dr. Lynch for a second appointment to make sure everything was as it should be.

When she entered their room, Seth was delighted to see that she was wheeling an ultrasound machine in with her.

"This is the new 3D model." She said. "The quality is much better than the previous ones. I thought you would like to try it out for me."

Seth nodded and his smile grew wider. "We'd like that."

"Wonderful." She dimmed the light and pulled a stool up to the machine's screen. "My queen, I'm going to need you to lift up your shirt and lie on your back and remain perfectly still for me, alright?"

Dean did everything she told him, resting his hands over his chest. She squirted a clear, blue gel on his belly from a plastic bottle. It was surprisingly warm. After the machine was completely turned on, she took a small wand and used it to smooth the gel over his abdomen. On the screen, his organs flashed by as she searched for his makeshift uterus.

"Ah." She said, pressing a few buttons on the machine's keyboard. "There it is." A few more buttons were pressed and the picture zoomed in on something small and pink nestled safely inside of Dean.

"Oh.." She suddenly said, blinking with shock. "Well, this is a surprise."

"What? What is it?" Seth asked with a slight hint of worry.

"Is something wrong with the baby?" Dean was scared to ask.

"No, not at all." She chuckled before adding. "They all seem to be doing just fine."

Both males blinked. "They?"

"Take a look for yourself." She smiled, turning the screen around to the expecting parents.

Their eyes widened at the image.

Seth leaned in to get a closer look at the screen. "Is that…?"

"Yes, my lords." Dr. Lynch smiled at them. "Those are your babies."

There were four pink infants, no bigger than his fist, surrounded by a cushion of red tissue. You just could make out their distinctions such as limbs and and and their teeny tiny closed eyes, but the sight of the tiny embryos sent Dean's heart fluttering like a hummingbird's wings. A rush of emotions swept through his system, reminding him that there was not one little life inside of him, but four, and that he was staring at them through a television screen. His eyes began to well up with tears.

"They're very small, and they are starting only to show their features, but those are definitely your babies. Everything seems to be normal in all of them, as well."

"Can you tell their gender?" Seth asked.

"Well.." Dr. Lynch said, adjusting her black glasses to take a closer look. "It's hard to say at the moment, but I'm able to see that the majority of them are male. There may be a girl, but we'll be for sure within another month or so. Congratulations, you're the proud parents of a quad."

Dean barely heard her. He could register her voice, and feel Seth's hand enveloping his, but the little babies on the screen were the world he was in at that moment. Those were his babies, their babies. They was perfect in every single way and nothing anybody said could change that to him. He felt that he would go to any lengths to protect them and keep them safe. The sudden surge of love for the tiny creatures left him weak and speechless.

He remembered telling Seth to make sure they got pictures to take with them and to show Roman and Finn, and of course the rest of their friends. That moment was one he would cherish for the rest of eternity.

Dean was glad that he'd made the right decision.

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