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High off the ground, a bright flash appeared along the borders of the same unknown land. The five vamps hit the ground running at breakneck speeds, most laughing.

"Did you see the looks on their faces?!" Renee laughed.

"Oh man, that was priceless!!" Randy agreed.

"You had to admit, that was pretty cool, right, Dean?" Sami asked. "Dean?"

All the attention turned to the blonde hero as he ran along quietly, a slight frown on his face as he was lost deep in thought.

"You okay, love?" Seth asked.

"Huh?" He said, snapping to attention. "Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"Something on your mind?" He asked again, as all the others listened intently.

"Actually…" He paused, letting out a deep, frustrated sigh. "Yeah, there is… I'm… I'm afraid of what my friends and the public will think of me now that they've seen their world-hero has turned into a vampire." 

"Well, if that's the case, then they only have two choices." Randy said as they rocketed across the land.

"They can either accept you." Renee said.

"Or they can reject you." Sami finished.

"My father once told me that if someone accepts you for who you are no matter what, then that is a true friend and an even better ally. However, if they find out that you've changed and stop their association with you, then they were never you friend in the first place." The Alpha King stated.

"But, either way it goes Blondie, we accept you no matter what." Randy smirked.

"Damn straight!" Renee and Sami agreed simultaneously.

"Thanks guys, it means a lot to me." Dean smiled.

The celestial moon shone down brightly on the five vampires as they entered the thick wall of fog that indicated the borderline of Seth and now Dean's domain.

"Seth, what do you call this place?" His mate asked. Seth raised a brow, not understanding.

"I mean, your ki- our kingdom." Dean corrected. "Does it have a name?"

Seth smirked as he and the others zipped through the trees like multicolored pinballs.

"terre de l'architecte." He answered with a smile.

"Huh?" Dean blinked. "What does that mean?"

"It's Vampiric French for 'the land of the Architect'." His king answered proudly.

Dean blinked again before chuckling, saying. "Someone's in love with themselves, ain't they?"

Seth chuckled darkly in return, "No, my queen, I'm in love with you."

Dean laughed as a blush appeared, his glowing eyes shining in the dark as they all came upon the colossal palace that he'd come to call home.

Renee, Sami, and Randy all went about their separate ways once they were all inside. And before Dean could react, he yelped with surprise when Seth scooped him up bridal style, walking down one of the long, dark corridors.

"Seth, what are you doing?!" Dean nearly shouted at his husband, his face flushed red with shock and embarrassment.

"A king can't carry his queen?" He asked. The half-moon shone through the drawn curtains, casting their shadows onto the palace walls.

"Yeah, if they can't walk which I am fully capable of doing." He pouted. "Now put me down."

Seth seemed to think about it as he walked on, and then he smirked, showing off his fangs, simply saying. "No."

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now