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As Renee cooked her brother and best friends some breakfast, Roman decided to meditate. He removed himself from the area and went into the family room which was on the other side of the kitchen and very quiet and dark.

Finn watched as his mate sat in the dark room, trying to concentrate. Wanting to be with him, he tried to get up. His legs trembled as the weight of his child held him down.

Sami looked at Finn who tried desperately to stand. "Um Finn, I don't think it's a good idea to be moving so much. You should sit down."

"It's okay, Sami. I'm fine!" Watching his friend stand very cautiously and lightly start to waddle towards his mate, Sami made sure to keep a close eye on him.

Sensing his mate, Roman opened his eyes and turn his head over to see him gently make his way towards him. Slowly, Finn lowered himself into one of the armchairs.

"You alright love?" He asked.

"Yeah." His wife sighed with a smile. "I just wanted to know if you were alright. You seem stressed."

"You need to stop worrying Finn..." The Beta smiled. "I'm perfectly fine. You on the other hand, need to eat and rest. All the energy you are spending up on your feet and following me around is supposed to be saved and used for your body to be getting ready to have our baby."

Finn chuckled and looked at his mate. "I think you're the one who worries too much."

Roman stated. "I have a very good reason for it!"

"And what would that be?"

"My only love and my only child... Don't you expect me to be protective? The last thing I need is to lose both of you." He began to become paranoid and the harsh rain began to make itself known as it thrashed itself hard on the roof and window.

Deep down inside, Roman wanted the rain to end. This would be the worst weather to give birth in and there was no way they could make it a hospital in time...

Looking at his mate's stomach, he crossed his fingers and hoped that his soon-to-be baby girl would wait a bit longer.

"Breakfast is done!" Renee called from the kitchen. Roman helped his very pregnant mate up and into the kitchen.

The pregnant man lowered himself back down to see a huge plate in front of him. Immediately he dug in, devouring it in minutes.

Finn was of course going to eat more since he was carrying a kid. And this was the way he always ate. Lucky for the happy couple, he knew how to cook. But in his last months of pregnancy, he ordered out or had one of the servants cook for him since he could no longer bend down as well and stand up for very long.

Just as everyone was finishing their meal or full plate...

It happened.

"Ow..." Finn groaned and wrapped his arm around his stomach. A pain started in his stomach and made itself around his back and pelvis.

"Finn!" Roman shouted. He rushed to his side as his mate clenched his teeth.

He put a hand to his belly. "Is everything alright, love?"

Shaking his head no. "Just a really strong cramp... I never had them like this before..." Before Roman could ask any more questions, Finn doubled over in pain and cried out. "I think the baby's coming!"

Dean and the others gasped. Quickly, Roman took a hold of his mate and rested his hand upon Finn's huge stomach. He could feel the child squirm and twist within. As well as his mate's belly contracting against his hand.

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