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"Rome... I just remembered... We haven't picked out any names..." Despite how exhausted he was, Finn gave a small smile. "We've been so distracted with the nursery and for Dean's and my wellbeing, I completely forgotten..."

Before his mate could reply, there was a loud knock at the door and Dr. Lynch was let in as Renee came with a huge bowl and several washcloths.

"I have the boiled water!" She said as she placed it on the floor next to the bed. Then, she placed a cool cloth on Finn's forehead. "I put these in cool water and then put them in the fridge for a bit. So they are nice and cold."

"Thanks Renee...." He thanked. "As I was saying... Roman, do you have any ideas for names for the baby? Since we have a daughter... What would you want to name her?

Just as things settled, Finn had another contraction. He cried out again and immediately his mate held onto his hand as he squeezed.

A whole 24 hours had passed and there has been very little process. Finn's contractions had been from being 7 minutes apart, now to 4, and he was 5 centimeters dilated. It was going to be soon, hopefully a few more hours.

Not only that happened, but the storm going around, was getting worse. Each hour, more strikes of lighting was heard, and the louder the thunder was. Roman was glad he didn't take the risk of transporting his mate to the hospital.

Seth had returned as promised once Dean had fallen asleep. But Roman knew that since Dean needed his brother more than ever at a time like this, Seth didn't need to stay. He was as equally worried about Dean and his children as he was with his own wife and child at the moment. So once he was assured that everything was fine, with that, Seth returned to his mate.

"Roman, let's talk about names, it'll keep my mind off the contractions..." Finn urged. He wanted to be distracted somehow, and thought coming up with names would be the perfect thing.

Roman settled next to his mate.

Soon Finn stated. "I always liked Crystal for a girl..." He saw the interesting look on his mate's face. "It reminds me of when you're in your other form... And we could always call her Cryssie for short if you want?"

"That's a beautiful name..." That comment from his husband made Finn give a teary smile. Even through contractions, he still looked happy. He knew the pain was only part of having a bundle of joy, something he wanted very much. "Crystal it is then."

Renee saw this, and exclaimed. "You know Roman, if you really want to help, why don't you rub his back? You know... To help ease away some of the pain."

Before Roman could move, however, a very strong contraction hit him causing him to clench his teeth and lean forward a bit in pain.

Holding his mate's hand, Roman gently rubbed his mate's back. Sami jumped back and watched as his friend cringed in pain. He didn't want to get in the way. Renee calmly tried to help Finn who was trying to control his breathing while Dr. Lynch got everything ready. "Shh it's ok, it's ok, it's almost over."

Finn breathed hard and held to his stomach that seemed quite restless now.

"Check to see how much I'm dilated." Finn managed to pant out to his mate. Confused, Roman didn't know what to do. He went between his mate's legs and lifted the blanket only for his face to turn pale and to look away in disgust.

"Let me check." Dr. Lynch said nicely. Gently, she gestured the Beta to move over a bit. The contraction was getting slightly stronger and a couple tears ran down the pregnant male's cheeks.

"Finn, you're 7 centimeters dilated. Just a suggestion, but I think you should try sitting on the edge of the bed and spreading you're legs apart." The doctor advised.

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