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"BAYLEY!!" Dean shouted, bursting into her garage.

"FUCK!" Bayley jumped with surprise, hitting her head underneath The Phoenix since she was giving it some new upgrades.

"Damn it Dean. Will you stop doing that?!" She shouted, sliding from underneath the plane and rubbed her head.

"Heh.. Whoops, sorry sis." Dean apologized as he helped the smaller figure up.

"Oww, I wouldn't be surprised if I did end up with a brain hemorrhage because of you." She groaned, rubbing the sore area even more.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry." He said quickly. "Listen, what do you know about vampires?"

Bayley blinked. "Vampires? What the heck do you want to know about vampires?" She replied, raising an eyebrow. Dean looked down to the ground in embarrassment as he rubbed his neck.

"Uh you know, heh.. I saw this uh, new movie... Yeah movie! I just saw this new movie about vampire the other night and now I'm all of a sudden a big fan." He lied, laughing sheepishly.

"Uh-huh." Bayley merely said, not buying his story one bit. She could easily tell when Dean was lying, but she decided to drop the subject.

"Well, I know just as much as the next guy but.. " She wondered, trailing off as she thought.

"Do you even think they exist?" He asked.

"No, I don't think they exist." Bayley replied.

Dean sighed with relief but he celebrated too soon.

"I know they exist." She added.

"W-what?! How?!" He stammered. So that was all been going on, it really wasn't his imagination.

"Well, I have been doing a little bit of research on them recently." She replied, walking over to her work station, finding her laptop buried underneath paperwork and blueprints.

Dean just blinked.

Well, that was just convenient.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember all those people that went missing over the past few months?"

"Yeah.. " He replied, not liking where this was going.

"They were found." Bayley responded. "But the authorities tried to cover up what happened to them." She said as she typed away at the keyboard, her eyes glued to the screen.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked, leaning over her shoulder to get a better look.

"Hacking into the police station's mainframe." Bayley merely replied.

"Wait what? Bayley, what the hell is wrong with you?! Do you know how much trouble we'll be in if we get caught?!" Dean panicked.

"Annnnndd... I'm in!"

"Full screen, please."

As Bayley resumed her hacking, she sighed. "I found it strange that each case was now considered unsolved. And I found out why."

Dean listened intently as his sister continued. "So far there are thirty individual deaths and each victim died the same way." Bayley opened up one file after the other, revealing evidence from each crime scene. It was a good thing that Dean hadn't eaten breakfast that moment, otherwise he would have puked it up by now. Each picture was gruesome and gut-wrenching. Every missing person, human, animals, all that were brutally murdered, some with dismembered limbs and some of their stomachs were slashed out open with their intestines splayed out all over the ground.

But they all had one thing in common, two bite marks to the neck and from the information provided in the files, they'd all been drained of their blood.

"Oh my god." Dean whispered in horror.

"And that's not all.." Bayley added, yet pulling up more information.

"When they checked the crime scenes for some things such as fingerprints and DNA, they found plenty all over the victim. But when they checked their sources, the evidence belonged to the people that have been dead for at least a hundred years or more."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dean couldn't believe this.

"Dean, I think something very wrong is going on here.." Bayley commented, her voice full of worry.

Dean was in a midst panic attack, but he when he heard the concern in his sister's voice, he quickly composed himself.

"Ah, don't worry sis." He smiled, giving her a smile and hugged her. "Everything is going to be fine, trust me."

"Are you sure?" Bayley asked with uncertainty.

"Hey they don't call me The Lunatic Fringe for nothing!" He bragged, puffing out his chest with pride right before he ruffled up his sister's hair.

"Hey, quit it." She laughed, her worries gone just like that as she tried to fix her hair.

Dean smiled. He didn't want to get his sister into this mess. Heck, he still wanted to know how he got in it himself! As long as Bayley was happy, she didn't need to know anything about what happened last night.

Last night...

Dean tapped his index finger on his collarbone in deep thought as he tried to remember all that went on last night. Everything came flooding back to him in a instant and his cheeks were blushed so red as a red stop light when he realized what he and... A certain king... Were in the process of doing.

"Dean.. Deeeeaaaaaannnn... DEAN!!" He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Bayley's voice.

"Huh? What did you say?" He blinked.
"I said did you have any luck catching the guys who stole the Vortex Shards from the museum last night?" She asked again, wondering what the hell Dean was blushing about.

"OH FUCK I FORGOT!!" He screamed, pulling at his hair.

"Hey bro, calm down."

"No Bayley, you don't understand I know where they are! I have to go get them."

"What?! Where?!"

"I don't know the place exactly but I'll know it when I see it!" He answered,

"Well, maybe I can help you look for them and-"

"NO!!" Dean shouted, making Bayley blink. He cleared his throat. "I mean, no. I shouldn't take too long, I'll be back before you know it." He said awkwardly as he made his way out of the garage.

"Well, if you say so.." Bayley shrugged. "Oh... And Dean?"

"Yeah Bayley?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at his little sister.

"Come back.. " She answered, her face full with concern and worry.

"I will sis. I promise." A sad smile formed on the hero's face as he nodded his goodbye and ran out of the garage, hoping that he could keep and live up to his word.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now