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They trio approached a set of large iron doors some three floors down from where they were just minutes ago. The sign read, Infirmary. The metal doors slid open as the three males walked inside.

Dean looked around and it looked like your typical hospital floor, complete with the white walls, the waiting room, the magazines, hospital beds, and anything else one could find in a hospital, aside from all the futuristic technology everywhere.

"Nia?" Roman called out.

Immediately, they heard the sound of running footsteps. Then a female vampire hastily entered the room. She wore a white lab coat with a black dress and heels. Her hair was dark brown up in a bun, her eyes were brown with black slits.

"Yes? What is it?" She shouted, before she actually realized who she was in the presence of.

"Oh, my apologies, General." She quickly said to Roman.

"No harm done." He replied. "I brought Seth here as you requested."

She blinked, for she hadn't even noticed the other two in the room.

"My deepest apologies, my Lord." She bowed. "I didn't see you come in."

The Alpha merely nodded to her acknowledgement.

Her attention then turned to Dean. She tilted her head surprise. "Oh, hello. Who are you?"

"I'm Dean." He smiled, shaking her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"That's not how royalty addresses their subjects, my Darling." The king corrected.

Nia blinked, confused.

"Oh, yeah I forgot." He chuckled before clearing his throat as he stood tall and proud saying. "My name is Dean Ambrose, Alpha Queen of the Land of the Architect. How do you do?"

Seth and Roman smiled with pride while Nia had a look of complete surprise on her face.

"Oh, my gosh, your Majesty, I am so sorry!!" She gasped, placing her hands over her mouth in shock. She immediately dropped to her knees and bowed to him, saying. "Please, forgive me, Excellency, I had no idea you were royalty. I meant no disrespect."

"Hey, hey, it's alright." Dean knelt down helping Nia back to her feet.

"Just call me Dean from now on, okay?" He patted her on the shoulder, giving off his trademark smile.

"Alright… Dean." She smiled. "I'm Dr. Nia Jax, by the way. But, most people just call me Nia."

"Nia, where is Cesaro?" Seth asked.

"He still hasn't left Natalya's side." She sighed sadly. "My king, maybe you can try talking to him?"

"I'll see what I can do." Seth replied, all three males stepping into the other room.

Dean gasped in awe when he stepped inside. The room was actually an extremely large laboratory. There were scientists everywhere, all moving around hastily in their white lab coats. Some took notes, others performed tests and ran diagnostics, while others typed away on the countless computers.

But, what caught Dean's attention the most was the large circle of tall glass tanks centered in the middle of the room. Nia went back to her station as the males walked up to the large glass chambers.

His eyes grew wide to see that there were actually people inside. Roman and Seth watched in silence as the blonde approached, giving him the chance to see the aftermath of a battle with The Matrix.

About 8 tanks towered over the blonde. Dean placed his hand on one of the glass surfaces. Each bacta tank held a sleeping vampire, engulfed in a warm chemical bath to heal their fatal wounds. All the beings were attached to wires and tubes various sizes which were connected to a bunch of computers and other several monitors, where vampire scientists typed away, watching for any fluctuations in their steadily streaming data.

The Alpha Queen slowly walked around each of the large tanks, gazing inside at his wounded brethren.

Then he stopped in front of Natalya.

His heart dropped as he stared in horror at her condition.

Natalya was severly injured. Her wounds were dreadfully severe; her left arm was missing, the flesh torn from where her limb had been literally ripped off, her shoulder bone visible. Her body was covered in bruises and deep surgical cuts, as if she'd been operated on. Her ribs were obviously broken and the bones in her lower body, mostly her legs, stuck out and pointed in directions that no bone should be in. She would never walk again.

"The Matrix did this?" He whispered to himself.

"Ja det gjorde dem" Said a voice, making Dean turn his head. The blonde turned and saw a male vampire sitting in a chair beside the tank, staring up at Natalya with a look of depression evident on his face.

"What did you say?" He asked softly.

"He said 'Yes, they did.' Cesaro doesn't speak fluent English." Roman answered as he and his brother approached. His face showed sadness as well when he gazed up at the female, placing his hand on the warm glass surface.

"I'm sorry I failed you, Mother.." The Beta sighed, looking at the closed eyes of the female as she floated in the chemical solution.

"You didn't fail her, Rome." Seth said, placing a hand on his twin's shoulder. "You brought her back and that's all that matters."

"I'll make sure that The Matrix pays for this." Roman hissed, as bloodied tears fell.

"We all will make sure of that, Roman, you have my word." His brother promised.

Roman looked over his shoulder and smiled at his brother, silently thanking him. After composing himself, he turned to the depressed Sweadan and said. "Cesaro."

The vampire looked up at his superior.

"Det är Dean Ambrose, den nya drottningen Alpha." The vampire said in the Swede man native tongue.

"God kväll och han ber om ursäkt för att han inte är presentabel i din närvaro. Han sa att han heter Cesaro." He sadly smiled, bowing his head to Dean.

"I introduced you to him, saying that you're the new queen." Roman told his brother-in-law. "He said good evening and he apologizes for not being presentable in your presence. He said his name is Cesaro."

Dean nodded his head to Cesaro, letting him know that he understood.

After some time (more like 2 hours) Seth was finally able to get Cesaro to leave Natalya and get some much needed rest after the Sweden told him everything he knew. The Alpha King gave Nia his approval to proceed with the operation and wanted it know that Natalya was to get only the best when it came to prosthetics. Nia said that her team of scientists had something in mind and it had to do with giving her replacement limbs made of the world's strongest metal and the latest technology.

Dean decided to explore his new home some more, leaving Seth and Roman to discuss their next move against The Matrix now that they had new info and since Natalya's surgery was now underway.

But, before he left, he'd asked his husband what he meant when he said that her instincts had taken control. Seth replied by pulling out the large olive green book his mother gave him from his room to give to him, saying that all the answers to his questions were inside.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now