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Seth leaned forward, licking his cheek slowly when they were back in the bedroom. The blonde shivered as he felt the other male kiss his lips. Two hands found their way to Dean's white shirt and practically ripped off the clothing in half and threw them on the floor, showing his pale body. The brunette pulled back, staring into the other's eyes.

Dean quietly moaned in satisfaction, closing his eyes once they were inside, both falling onto the king-sized bed, with Seth on top, of course.

He did the same with himself as the tight black buttoned shirt ripped off and took his own hair tie out of his hair as Dean wrapped his arms around Seth's neck, practically melting into the kiss. The blonde had completely forgotten about his friends back home. He wondered if they were all worried about him.

I'll find out later.

He thought, now focusing on the brunette's delicious lips.

Seth tilted his head, positioning it so that he could deepen the kiss. He gently licked Dean's bottom lip, asking for entrance. The other complied, separating his lips and Seth's slick tongue pushed itself inside of the hot, wet cavern. It swept through, tasting the blonde's mouth, and making both of the males moaning and shivering.

The hero's tongue shyly licked at the intruder. The other responded by gently licking and massaging the wet muscle. Dean groaned from the treatment and playfully dances with the other's tongue. They wrestled for dominance, but break off, for Dean desperately needed oxygen, before lip-locking once again.

Dean dug his hands into his mate's tanned back, sucking on his tongue submissively. Then Seth surprised him by pulling back from the kiss, and sliding one hand between Seth's legs and massaging there while licking and nipping his neck.

Dean gasped, the color red racing across his cheeks as he feels the other's hand rub that area. He shudders and groans out Seth's name as he becomes hard from the gently stimulation. Seth kissed him on the lips softly before pulling back and looking into his baby blue eyes reassuringly. The blonde gazed back into Seth's crimson eyes for a moment. Dean looked highly embarrassed.

"Is something wrong?" His love asked.

"It… It's my first time, Seth." He admitted, blushing even more. "I'm…"

Seth silenced him with another kiss, saying. "Don't worry. I promise we won't go that far tonight. We'll have to wait two weeks before that happens."

"Two… Two weeks?" He asked and gasped as Seth placed butterfly kisses up and down his body.

"What h-happens then?" He panted.

"Blood Lust." Seth purred, kissing him full on the lips again. "It's the vampire's mating season and happens every three hundred years. I went through my first one alone since you weren't even born yet. However, since I have you now…" He trailed off, patting his cold hand around Dean's member to finish the sentence for him.

Dean arched his back and moaned in pleasure.

"S-Seth.." The blonde panted, looking up at him with dazed, lust-filled eyes.

The Alpha loving looked down at his treasure.

"Claim me." He begged, shivering with ecstasy.

Seth smiled and leaned down, lifting Dean to his chest. Dean, with his mind no longer controlling his actions, immediately held on by his shoulders and closed his eyes, awaiting the pain. Seth nuzzled into his prize and caressed his cheek until his head was tilted back to reveal his neck "It'll be over soon, my Darling… I promise." He reassured, before he leaned down and sank his fangs into Dean's neck, injecting him with the venom used to convert him and beginning to draw out his blood.

Dean yelped in pain and tears fell from his eyes. He sank his hands into the vampire's shoulders. The pain was unbearable, but pleasurable at the same time. Seth crushed Dean to his chest as he continues to drain the blood, it was sweet and pure, just like him. He opened his eyes quickly when he heard a choked gasp.

Dean's eyes were wide and he panted, getting weaker and weaker, his entire body shaking and not able to hold on much longer. After a while Seth released him and stepped away from the bed, swallowing down the mouthful of blood.

Dean hyperventilated, trying to breathe, but nothing seemed to work. The venom was coursing through his veins and taking it's toll. The blood loss only made the process speed up. Dean closed his wide eyes and cried, his heart beating slower and slower with each passing second.

All Seth could do was watch.

Dean's eyes slightly opened and with the last of his energy, reached his hand out for his mate.

"Se…Seth." He managed to say.

Seth rushed over and held his hand, crimson gazing into the fading baby blue.

"I'm… I'm so cold." His voice barely a whisper. "I'm scared."

"Shh.." The king reassured kissing his forehead. "Everything will be alright, my love… You'll see."

Dean smiled and one final tear fell from the dying male before he gasped again.

This time, a long sigh quickly followed, indicating that his heart had come to a stop, never to beat again.

Dean Ambrose had passed away with his baby blue eyes open.

Seth closed the lids over the now dull eyes of his lover and kissed him on the lips, still slightly warm. The king laid down beside him and pulled him close, waiting.

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