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-One night later at The Matrix

The huge Super Moon of the ages hung high in the sky, shining dark gold, almost orange at the approaching lunar eclipse.

Dean groaned in pain as his headache increased. It had been like this for most of the day now, which meant that the vampire hadn't been able to get any sleep. Now, it was even more intense at night. And that dreaded voice just didn't want to go away!


The voice cackled insanely in his mind.

Soon we will have your chance...

"Get out of my head..." Dean groaned in pain.

Now, why would I wanna do that?

The voice chuckled sadistically.

Instead of answering, Dean suddenly clutched his head in both hands and dropped to his knees as he flashed from the black aura to another form and back to normal again.

"Shut up! Go back!" Dean was fighting for control. "I don't need your help! This is my responsibility!! I don't need you!!"

Why should I go back?

The voice sneered.

It's too late now! I'm always here anyway. From one Alpha Queen to another. I am older than time itself. I will always be here.

"S-STOP IT!!" He was in agony as he fought to keep the being inside of him, although the other was beginning to win. The large moon outside The Matrix Headquarters was now a deep orange and on the verge of turning crimson blood red.

Suddenly, movement could be heard outside the door.

"What's going on in there?!" A soldier shouted as they tried opening the cell, only to find that Dean had it barricaded.

"Get this door open, now!!" Shouted the Commander to his soldiers from the other side of the door.

"Fiat the Vortex et Luna regni in gratiam."
( "Let the Vortex and the moon is in favor Kingdom)

Dean suddenly began to whisper in Latin (which was something that he'd NEVER learned to speak) as he knelt on the cold cell floor, his skin now covered with blood

"Ut educas populum meum servire iustitiae in sordibus." ( "To lead my serve justice impurities!)

He continued, his eyes clenched close in pain as the being within him took more and more control.

"Hac in hora, hoc perit lux mundi," ("In this hour, it dies light of the world)

His whispers grew louder and the power within him intensified more and more as the full moon of the night grew orange red.

"llud currere!! Per virtutem sanguinis!"
(By virtue of the blood recipient can run!!)

He said as the door to his cell flung open, Matrix soldiers took aim at the Vampire Alpha Queen. Closed eyes snapped open, revealing glowing red eyes.


In a blast of powerful energy, many soldiers being knocked unconscious by the force, the Ultimate Alpha Queen was gone and the lunar eclipse dripped blood red in the night.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now