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"Great choice." Randy sneered, flashing his white fangs that made Dean cringe. The other vampires looked utterly disappointed. So they all departed to go forth into the night to find their next victims to quench their never-ending thirst.

"The palace is at least a two night journey from here, we should arrive in no time if we run." Randy added. "But before we go... " He grabbed a fistful of Dean's hoodie and pull him close, making Dean wince in pain at the sudden action.

"Vampires can read minds, just so you know. So if I catch you even the slightest hint of you wanting to escape, I will have you sucked up dry before you could even have time to blink, do I make myself clear?!" He snarled, his forehead pressed against Dean's, his face looked so threatened it would make even Dracula running for his momma.

Dean's eyes went wide as the size of dinner plates. He quickly nodded at the blue glowing eyes in front of him. He could've swore he gone into cardiac arrest at least six times already.

"Come on Randy, lighten up a little. The Alpha wants us to bring him alive there, remember?" Sami piped up laying a hand on Randy's shoulder. Randy growled at him, which Sami let go, looking just as scared as Dean.

"Alright, that's enough." Renee protested, shoving Randy away from Dean, causing him to release his grip.

Apparently she wasn't as scared of Randy as much as Sami was. Randy just glared at her before he crossed his arms and looked away. And poor Dean wanted to cry because his chest was hurting like hell.

"How about we make this trip a little more interesting?" Renee suggested. "You know, to loosen the new guy up a bit before he meets the king? Because right now." She smirked and walked over to Dean who was rubbing his sore chest and raked a finger under his chin, making him shiver. "He is way too tense."

Sami snarled when he saw that, cracked his knuckles and stomped over to the two, raising his fist to make contact with Dean's face. Dean saw that and flinched, he expected the hit but never got it. He looked and saw Randy in front of him, his hand stopped the punch.

"Enough already!" Randy stated quietly, which was like a calm sea before a hurricane.
"Oh my god Sami, calm your ass down." Renee fussed. She couldn't believe him.

"I'll calm the fuck down when he stops flirting with you!" He shouted.

"Guys!" Renee said.

"Hey! Who the hell said that I was flirting with her?!" Dean shouted back. 

"Guys!!" Renee said again.

Sami snarled, snatching his fist out of Randy's grip and approached Dean, as he shoved him.

"Listen you little piece of shit, you stay away from her you got that?"

"Guys..." Renee said one more time. Randy stepped out of the way.

"Well, tell her to keep her hands off  me, then!!" Dean shouted back, having the vampire mad at him for the second time in the row.

"GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Came a shout so strong that the wind from it all made the trees bend a little. It scared the guys so much that Sami had actually jumped into Dean's arms before he knew it. Even Randy flinched for a moment. They all stared at Renee who was more ticked off as ever.

"If there is one thing that I cannot stand, it's when someone ignores me." She growled. Half of her hair covered some of her face up, her fangs were longer and her eyes glowed in gold. All three of the guys gulped.

Renee took a deep breath and calmed herself very slowly, counting to ten while getting herself back to normal.

Well her vampire self at the least.

Dean saw what, or rather who, he was holding, dropped his heavy load. Sami hit the dirt with a thud.

"Now... The alpha said that if any harm comes to the boy here, you do know what he'll do to the three of us, right?" She asked with an angry look on her face and arms crossed.

"Yeah yeah, pour holy water down our throats and shove a fifteen inch stake up our asses." Sami stood up and mumbled sarcastically, dusting got the dirt off his pants.

Dean couldn't help but snicker at him despite his own situation.

Renee was acting like his freaking mother!

When Sami heard him, he reacted by doing something utterly and completely childish, he stuck his tongue out at him.

"Exactly." Renee smiled proudly. "Now, if you don't mind I like to keep my immortality. Thank you so much. So, let's get this shit on the road."

"What do you have in mind for Blondie's tension then?" Randy asked as he leaned against the tree with his arms crossed, making air quotation marks at the word tension.

"Hey! Who said that I was?" Dean protested.

"Dude you're surrounded by three vampires who haven't eaten all day." Sami replied. "If I were in your shoes." He took a quick look at Dean's shoes. "Nice shoes by the way. Anyway, if I were in your place, I'd be pretty tense myself right about now."

"Which brings us back to what I've been trying to say for the past fifteen freaking minutes!" Renee groaned in frustration. "Why don't we just race there?"

Dean perked up at the word. "Race?"

"Why of course." Renee smirked. "Unless you're afraid of getting beaten by a girl."

Dean snickered. "Ha! As if!"

"Sounds good to me." Randy replied.

Dean blinked. "Wait a minute, you have super speed just like me?"

Randy was gone in for a shard hunt and fifteen seconds later with a purple Vortex Shard in his hand.

"Does this answer your question?" He asked, tossing the shard up in the air.

Dean's jaw dropped for like the tenth time. That was the shard Baron had!

"Okay guys, seriously." Renee said. "We gotta go, like nowThe king is not a patient male. On your mark.." She said, getting into take-off position, the guys following suit.

"Get set..." Dean said, actually enjoying himself. He never actually had someone give him a real race before. Despite them all being vampires, they seemed like pretty cool people.

May need a couple of attitude adjustments though.

"GO!!" Sami and Randy shouted.

The four of them disappeared into the night.

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