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The sun had barely risen when Dean woke up with a pounding headache, his vision blurred, he was sure he was going to be sick but thankfully he was no longer seeing pink. He rolled about, expecting to be in the soft confines of his bed with Seth beside him until he fell and made contact with a cold cement floor with a thud. His baby blue eyes snapped open, looking around frantically as he sat bolt upright.

Huh? Where am I?

He thought, his head spinning despite his light headedness.

Great I'm seeing pink again.

He added. He sat up and winced, but continued to ignore the pain as he looked around his small confines. His eyes widened when he saw a whale pass by.

What the hell?!

His mind rushed and he desperately tried to stand, almost falling in the process, he couldn't remember anything except the time he spent with Seth on the beach. He made his way to the glass wall and saw a school of fish swing by. He placed his hand to the window.

He looked down at his hands, and his voice caught in his throat before letting out a scream, he would have held his hand over his mouth to suppress his shout, but they were currently doused in dried blood, his eyes just taking notice of the rest of his body, his stomach stained red.

Dean looked frantically around the small room, seeing only the small bed he'd just been on, a table with a chair, and a locked door. He pulled at his hair as he tried to think, feeling as if there were a number of eyes that had literally caught him red handed.

Oh God.

He sobbed mentally as he looked down at himself, his legs had also been splattered with dried blood, his skin sticky with the bodily fluid. Dean had never comprehended being in such a dreadful situation, his heart dropping painfully at the realization that he had harmed a living creature.

As he took a step forward, he nearly fell, but the strangeness of the occurrence meant nothing to him as his feet moved on their own accord. Dean stained with convicting evidence, went to the locked door and banged on it hysterically, the now-mortal's breathing quickly becoming fast as panic consumed him.

"Hello?! Hello!! Is anyone there?!" His voice cracked as he pounded more. Suddenly, the door swung open, knocking the blonde to the floor.

"Glad to see you're finally awake, traitor." A voice said.

Dean's eyes snapped open and he gasped. "K-Kevin?!"

Kevin glared at the blonde before walking over to the table and taking a seat with a folder in hand.

"So, tell me what happened." Was all the Guardian said.

Dean blinked. "What are you talking about? Did what?"

"Why did you kill Nikki?" He just came out and asked.

Dean's heart dropped. "K-Kill her? She's dead? Wait a minute... What the hell are you talking about? I didn't kill her!"

"Well, she was found on your private beach two days ago." He stated, flinging the folder down at him. Dean flinched and looked up at the brown haired male before hesitantly grabbing the notepad, opening it. His eyes widened and the folder fell from his grip, spilling out all the pictures taken from the crime scene.

It was Nikki, her throat was torn out brutally, a pool of thick blood underneath her staining a good portion of her clothes. Her arms were dismembered and one of her legs was highly mangled as well, and claw marks had skimmed their way down her side, splitting open her stomach, her intestines splayed out. She was dead, and probably had been for a little while, her large, brown eyes lifeless as she stared at nothing. There were pictures of him as well, unconscious, on the sandy beach beside her, her fresh blood staining his own, especially his around his mouth.

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