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If there were three words to describe how Dean felt right now, it would be bored to death.

He'd been cooped up in the palace for what seemed like an eternity and to make matters worse, he hadn't been out for a good run since the night of Nikki's death and that was over two months ago.

So, there he sat on the floor next to his ceiling-high bedroom window, impatiently tapping one hand on the cool marble floor while the other came to rest on the ever-so-slight curve of his stomach. He woke up alone again, Seth having left a few hours before nightfall. He'd left a note saying that he loved him and that he had to work very late which meant that he probably wouldn't get to see him tonight.

Of course, his wife was upset and cried about it, but he guessed that was the price he had to pay for being married to a king in the middle of a war with The Matrix.

Dean wanted SO badly to go to battle with him, at least one time, but Seth strongly suggested that he remain put since he was in no condition to be fighting. Dean only agreed when he made his mate promise to let him fight once the babies were born. Seth couldn't help but agree when Dean pulled out the old puppy-dog eyes trick.

Of course, Seth had left instructions for someone to check on both him and Finn while he and his brother were away. And with Dean being Dean, he used his superior status as Alpha Queen to override his husband's command and told the guards that he didn't want anyone checking up on him and wanted to be left alone.

But the guards didn't know which order to obey—the King's or the Queen's???

They got their answer when one of the guards questioned Dean's order and Dean's pissed off mood swing kicked in, nearly tearing the guy's head off.

Definitely obey the Queen.

The lone vampire gazed out into the night, his thoughts lost within the endless diamond sky, the new moon nowhere to be seen. Questions began to form the more he thought. Questions such as what had become of his home back in Cincinnati?

Or his belongings and prized possessions?

Was everything still as he'd left it?

Had people broken in and wrecked the place?

How was Bayley doing?

That last question entered his mind before he even knew it, making his cold heart drop like a ton of bricks. His expression changed from thoughtful to heartbroken almost instantly. He brought his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, resting his head on his knees as he let out a shaky sigh, trying his best to fight back tears.

He'd never meant to hurt anyone, especially Bayley, and now she was all alone in the world again. Of course, she had Charlotte, Kevin and Sasha but Dean trusted them now as much as he trusted The Commander with babysitting his babies.

Dean regretted that he hadn't spent more time with Bayley during his last few days in Cincinnati, only to have his baby sister and best friend see him one last time, being led away in handcuffs for first-degree murder.

And the blonde runner was sure by now that Prison had called off the search for him, deeming him dead, obviously having drowned when the window gave way, no doubt. And he didn't even want to know how Bayley reacted when they gave her the news.

How could he have done this to her, to suddenly drop out of her life as if she were nothing?

Bayley was alone from the beginning until Dean came along, but what had become of the 15 year old now?

Dean regained his composure and stood, a determined frown on his brow.

He had to find out.

Walking over to his bedside, he took one of the two Vortex Shards still in his and Seth's possession from the nightstand, tucking the blue gem into his hoodie pocket. Once he laced on his shoes, the vampire made it out of his bedroom and down the hall.

Now, the upside to being one of the best runners (or dead in his case) was that Dean was able to sneak past every single guard both inside and outside the palace with ease.

The downside?

Being pregnant?

Once Dean was sure he was in the clear, he'd shot off into the night, excited to be running again, only to have his joy cut short when it became harder and harder to move with each stride. He slowed down to a complete stop and rested against a tree, hands on his knees and panting like mad. His kids were practically draining him of all his energy and to suddenly shoot off at the speed wasn't helping.

Maybe running wasn't such a good idea after all.

He thought, his conscience now bothering him since he'd done the exact thing that Dr. Lynch told him not to do. He shook away the thought and once he'd calmed down, he extracted his beautiful black wings and took to the skies.

The flight didn't take too long, which used up entirely lesser amounts of energy than running, and once he could see Cincinnati on the horizon, Dean pulled the Vortex shard from his pocket.

"Vortex shard, ignite!"

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now