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When he finally arrived back at the palace late the next night, Dean was still sleeping. Finn delightedly claimed his reward of pizza from his arms and proceeded to secure his treasure safely away somewhere just in case Dean's taste buds decided to call for more pizza again, not even caring that Roman was in the room at the moment.

Seth laughed at his brother's priceless expression, and meanwhile, found his love curled up and dreaming peacefully on their bed...

Finn's Pikachu squished in a cuddle between his arms.

Asleep like this, he was a picture of bliss, and Seth found himself smiling both in fondness, and relief that he at least seemed well-rested. Gently, he approached the bed and climbed on to it before planting a soft kiss to his cheek.

His mate stirred and turned, his frown at being woken dissolving into a warm smile as he realized who it was.


"Hey." Seth grinned back, bemused at the huge contrast of his behavior compared to when he'd last left the house. Whatever that plushie did for pregnant mothers at least seemed to be working. "I'm home -"

He'd barely finished the sentence when Dean pulled him down for a long, gratifying kiss.

...Which Seth was no doubt enjoying, until his wife suddenly bit down on his bottom lip.


"Ow!" He pulled back with a surprised yelp.

"That was for leaving me alone with that insufferable witch for the entire week."

Seth decided to revise his theory on the Pikachu for the moment and protested wounded, rubbing his sore lip. "You chased me out of the palace the night that we had to leave and told me never to come back!"

"...I did, didn't I?" His wife mused for a moment, then scowled. "You could at least have called or dropped by a few days later."

"But... I was all the way on the other side of the world! And how was I supposed to know if you no longer wanted to skin me alive?" He was almost afraid to try to defend himself any further.

"True..." Dean looked thoughtful as he sat up. "Well, I suppose it's fine then, since you're here now." He smiled, pressing a quick, tender kiss to his lips, lapping up the blood from the wound. "Sorry about that."

Seth didn't know whether to start laughing from bewilderment or crying from confusion.

Dean looked at him evenly through half-lidded eyes, blinking once, twice. And then something growled, quite loudly, and Seth did end up laughing. "Breakfast?"

"Hm." Dean stretched briefly, showing off his four-month pregnant belly which made Seth smile with pride, and then got up in search of the aforementioned, leaving the Pikachu behind.

Seth paused and looked at the stuffed animal. It stared calmly back up at him. Very calmly. With it's usual docile, very innocent, very harmless expression.

"Are you going to return that to Finn?" He called after his uke.

"Don't you even think about it."

Still somewhat perplexed, Seth picked it up and studied it long and hard. "What is it that makes you so special anyway?"

The Pikachu continued to stare plainly back, and said nothing. Seth sighed.

Meanwhile outside, Dean had stopped short on his way to the kitchen to stare at the small mountain of baby books now sitting on the coffee table.

Seth has indeed outdone himself.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now