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Dean soon found himself searching all over for where he'd been last night. He'd searched all day actually, only to come across the area as the sun was beginning to set. But he wasn't about to stop now. He wanted to get to the bottom of this and he wanted some answers from the king himself.

As the evening drew closer, the moon started to rise and still could be seen in the sunlit sky as the blonde traveled across the unknown land. Dean could feel the goosebumps on his skin go up in the back of his neck and immediately afterwards, he could hear three individual colors of green, gold and orange sonic booms.

"What's up?" Sami smirked, appearing to the right of him in seconds.

"Well hello handsome!" Renee smiled, now on his left.

"Dean." Randy merely said, right beside Renee.

"Sami, Renee, Randy."  Dean replied, acknowledging their presence, trying his best to suppress a growl.

"Is something wrong?" Asked the only female of the group.

"It's nothing." He answered.

"He's lying." Sami smirked with a sing song kind of voice.

"What, how did you--" Dean didn't even need to finish when Sami smiled, tapping a finger to the side of his head, in other words he smirked. "I just read your mind dumbass."

"He wants a word with Seth." Randy said, as they all continued their run towards the palace.

"He was expecting you to come back actually, since he knew you have questions." Renee added. "That's why he sent us to escort you so that you wouldn't get lost."

"Escort me?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, how silly of me to forget." Renee giggled. "We are the three fastest runners in our pack, obviously, which means that we are also the Alpha's messengers and royal escort. Plus, Sami and I are Omegas."

"Wait, what is that supposed to mean?" Dean asked, wanting to get as much info on vampires as possible.

"Vampires like us have the highest authority in our pack, Dean. First, there is the Alpha pair, which, of course, would be Seth and you." Sami said, making the blonde male frown.

"Then, there are two Beta pairs and an Omega couple." Renee jumped in. "Anyone else that isn't a human being or has a lower status than that is considered a commoner or a Drone, which is a soldier. And Randall here is one of the Beta males, by the way. But, since he has no mate yet he's the king's right-hand man, so Seth assigned him to watch over us to make sure that you got here safely."

"But, why would I need a royal escort?"

"Because the king wants to make sure that something as important and precious to him as his queen is to be well guarded. So he wants you to have the best of the best, so to speak." Randy answered for him, glancing over at the blonde. Dean's eyes grew wide and he blushed like crazy!

"And stop calling me Randall!!" He growled at Renee, making her laugh and Sami snicker, but Dean was still shocked by what Randy just said.

I'm important and... Precious to him?

Dean thought, feeling a warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Wait a second." Dean finally snapped, shaking away the weird feeling. "What the hell are you guys talking about?! What do you mean I'm his queen?! I'm a guy! And I'm straight!! So, how on earth can I be the mate of the Vampire King?!"

Randy, Sami, and Renee all grew silent and just decided to concentrate on their running.

"Well?" Dean asked again, hating to be ignored just like Renee did. And then, it came to him.

"You guys know why, don't you?"

Randy sighed. "The Alpha is not one to hold back vital information from his subordinates, Dean. So yes, we know why."

"But, we are in no position to tell you what we know." Renee added. "Not yet, but he'll tell you tonight, trust me."

"In other words, it's not our place to speak about it." Sami jumped in. "That is a very serious and personal discussion that you'll have to have with the Alpha yourself."

"Then, I plan on doing it." Dean said with firm determination like the hero that he was.

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