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"Bro, your phone is ringing."

"Oh!" Seth was focused so intently on his flight simulator he didn't even hear Dean's ring tone.

"Let me take this, alright?" He asked Roman, inwardly cringing at the look he was given. "It's Dean."

"Fine then." The Beta said exasperatedly. "Hurry up Seth. I can't do anything to the software yet until you finish that simulator."

"Whatever." He pulled the phone from his pocket and went to his small office to take his call. Dean must have just been out from the clinic. He had asked him to call to tell him how he was feeling.


"I couldn't do it!"

Seth yelped in pain from the sudden shout on his sensitive ears, snatching the phone away. He couldn't quite understand him the first time. It sounded like he was crying and hyperventilating at the same time. "What?"

"I went in and I signed for it but I left before they called for me." There was a sniff and a sob. "I can't do it, Seth."

"You're not having the procedure?"


His eyes widened like saucers. Dean was still pregnant. He wasn't getting the abortion and he was going to remain pregnant. The brunette felt like jumping with joy inside.

His dead heart was threatening to start beating out of his chest, and for a moment he felt like he was going to faint.

"Have you thought about this?"

"I've thought about it enough to know that I'm not going through with it."

Seth took a deep breath. "What are you going to do, then?" He asked.

"I guess I'm going to have the baby." He mumbled.

Seth didn't know what to say. He was speechless.

Dean was silent, save for the hiccups and sniffles. Then, to Seth's surprise a soft chuckle came from the other end.

"Congratulations, love, you're going to be a daddy."

Seth's smile grew more than ever. He placed a hand over his eyes and turned his head to the ceiling, thanking whatever force out there for convincing his mate to change his mind.

"Congratulations to you too, love." He chuckled. "I'll be back when I leave from training. We'll talk more then."


"I love you, Darling."

"I love you, too, Sethie."

With that, Seth ended the call and returned to the flight simulator where a very peeved twin awaited. But, what Roman couldn't understand was why Seth was smiling for the rest of the night.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora