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One night, a large group of vampires crossed into Seth's hunting grounds. Seth warned the others to either leave or submit and join his pack. They refused to do either, saying that whichever Alpha won in a fight would be in control of the land and that the losing Alpha's followers were to be annihilated.

Seth didn't recognize his twin since he was in his dark form, so the leaders went at it. Both sides cheered on for their Alpha as they all watched from the sidelines. Both were agile and equal in strength and power, which made the fight all the more tiring. Tons of Vortex energy, crystals, punches, blows, kicks, and bites were used throughout the match.

Trees were uprooted, boulders turned to pumice, and the ground scorched with energy blasts. The hunting grounds strongly resembled Swiss cheese in no time: the area littered with holes and craters the size of minivans.

What was once a peaceful hunting area was a war zone all in a matter of minutes. Although, they both could see that the other looked highly familiar as they fought, the males didn't put much thought into it and fought for nearly two hours.

In the end, although severely weak, it was Seth that had the upper hand. He was simply more powerful than the other Alpha. In a last-ditch effort, he went into his super form and performed Vortex Blast which sent everyone flying. Roman hit the ground hard and Seth pounced him instantly, his crimson eyes glowed ablaze with rage, his instincts kicking into overdrive. He could hear someone, a pale Irishman (which many others had to hold back) crying, screaming, and begging him to stop, but he ignored him.

With nails clamping down on the slightly taller male's throat, Seth raised his hand, was about to perform The Vortex Spear, the blow that would end it all, when the other Alpha looked him in the eyes and managed to say:

"Se - Seth?"

The Alpha gasped and stood, backing away a few feet. Although the wounds on both Alphas were already healing, the other male still lay on the ground, bloodied, battered, and broken. Seth never wanted to fight him, and now he felt a slight pang of guilt because he overdid it. The pale irishman, along with a few followers rushed to his aid as he leaned on his side and coughed out blackened blood, his hand coming to his bruised throat. He weakly looked up at the brunette smiling and saying:

"Is it really you?" His voice hoarse and barely a whisper as bloodied tears streamed down his already bloody face.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" The real Alpha asked.

The vampire moved to stand and the pale man, whom Seth identified as his mate, assisted him to help bring the wounded vampires to his feet.

"It's me… Roman." He softly smiled, taking a step towards Seth.  

Everyone else watched the scene unfold before them, tension steadily rising in the air.

If Seth's heart would've been beating, when he said that name, he guarantee it would've stopped.

"Roman?" He asked in disbelief with wide eyes.

The crystalized vampire before him nodded and used the last of his energy to change back into his normal form.

Seth could've died on the spot (if he wasn't already dead) when he saw those grey eyes, the eyes of their mother, staring right back at him.

"Hello brother." The raven haired male smiled when he was mere inches away from the Vampire King. Seth finally blinked, bloodied tears falling as well, when he reached a hand out to touch him.

Roman's mate looked on with fear, unsure of what was going on.

A cold hand came to rest on Roman's cheek and a smile grew on Seth's face as well.

"It's really you, isn't it?" Seth asked, his words choking up.

"Yes, little brother, it's really me." He replied, resting his hand atop Seth's.

More tears streamed from Seth's eyes before the Alpha wrapped his taller twin in a warm and tight embrace. All he could do was cry along with him and return the gesture.

Finn and nearly a hundred followers from both sides, on the other hand, didn't know what the hell was going on.

Roman was the one to break the embrace, looking into his brother's eyes and saying loud enough for everyone to hear. "I submit."

"WHAT?!" Everyone literally said all at the same time.

Finn ran over to his mate, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him aside, saying. "Rome, do you realize what you just said?!"

"Of course." He laughed, his wounds almost completely healed. He let go of his wife's hand, walked back up to Seth and knelt down with respect, saying:

"I humbly submit to him because he is my younger brother. Seth and I are long-lost twins and I am a natural-born Beta by blood, not an Alpha. I only labeled myself as an Alpha because I thought he was dead. Seth is the true Alpha and is our Vampire King." 

Finn gasped and whispering and murmuring could be heard throughout the entire assembly.

"Is this true?" One of Seth's followers named Johnny Gargano asked.

"Yes." Seth replied proudly as his brother stood beside him. "Roman is my brother."

"But who won?" Another follower named Sarah Logan asked.

Both males exchanged looks before Roman chuckled.

"I think it is quite obvious that I am the one who lost. I stood no chance against an Alpha from the very start."

"Then… What will happen to the others?" Finn asked as Roman wrapped an arm around his waist, his voice full of worry and concern.

"No harm shall befall any of you." Seth announced to all who were present that night. "From this moment on, we are all brothers and sisters. There shall be no fighting amongst us over hunting grounds any longer, not now, not ever. Both of our packs shall join together as one. Together, we shall be the ones that will bring The Matrix to it's destruction!!!" 

Everyone shouted and cheered on in agreement. 

-End of flashback.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz