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Two horses awaited the royal family, their hot breath easily visible in the winter cold, saddled up and ready for a night's journey. The Alpha Queen put Seth down and Hunter did the same with Roman, both parents quickly taking black cloaks from their saddles and putting them on, placing the hoods over their heads to conceal their faces.

"Mommy, what's going on?" Seth asked, his voice shaky and on the verge of tears.

The Alpha Queen knelt in front of her  son, placing a cloak around her son, her face drenched with tears.

"Roman, come say goodbye to your brother.." Stephanie sniffed, reaching her arm out for her older son. Young Roman had been holding onto and hiding behind Hunter's legs as the king hastily readied his saddle. He ran over to his mother and she made them hold hands.

"Why?" The male sniffed. "Where is he going?"

"We don't have much time." Their father announced, the urgency radiating from his voice.

"Sweethearts.." The grey-eyed female sadly smiled. "Say goodbye to one another. We hope that both of you will see each other again someday."

Seth gasped. "No!! Mom, please! If this is about what I said, I didn't mean it! I'll be a better brother to Romie, I promise!!!"

Hunter knelt down beside his wife to be level with their sons.

"My sons, there is so much that you two don't know." His voice deep and low, his red eyes glazed over with tears as he wrapped Roman in his own cloak. "But I'm afraid that it is too late to explain. All I can say is that there are very bad people out here to get you. They want to hurt you both and want to do away with our kind. That is why we must leave. Your mother and I have to protect you, which is why we are sending you away."

"No!!!" Roman cried, wrapping his arms around his brother, clinging onto him with all his might. "I won't leave Seth!! I can't!! I still love him and he's my brother no matter what he said!!"

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US!!!" Seth yelled, embracing his brother as well, not wanting to leave as badly as he did. His bloodied tears drenched his brother's shirt as he angrily growled at his parents, baring his small fangs at them, although it was a helpless attempt at a threat. Even Stephanie could not hold back her tears any longer. What they were about to do would break any mother's heart.

"Seth, Roman, your mother and I love you two very much." Hunter sighed, wrapping both his wife and his sons in his arms, holding onto them all for one last time. 

"Farewell, my love." He whispered, letting tears fall and kissing the lips of his wife that he would never hold again. She kissed back with twice as much passion, never to see her mate or sons again.

"I love you." She whispered back.

"Goodbye, my son." Hunter said to Seth, kissing his son on his forehead. "Remember your training and never forget who you are or where you came from." He said, pulling a distraught Roman from his brother's grasp.

"NO, SETH!!!" He screamed and kicked as his father wrapped his arm around him and mounted his horse, his arms reaching out to his brother.

"NO, ROME!! MOM, DAD, PLEASE!!!" The young Alpha-to-be ran towards them, when Stephanie scooped him up and mounted her own steed, his arms outstretched as well.

"Farewell, my little one." Stephanie cried, bringing her horse closer to her husband's, kissing the younger prince on his forehead. "Remember that we all love you, Roman. Seth loves you. Even when you two can longer see us, we are still your parents and will always be with you both."

"Seth..." Roman whimpered, his head pressed into his father's chest, tears continuing to stream down his pale face.

"Roman.." Seth whimpered, holding back a choked sob as his head rested on his mother's shoulder.

The Alphas both stared into the other's eyes once more before, a shout rang out into the night.


They whipped their heads around to see a large group of mortals, knights, on horseback coming straight towards them, with bloodhounds leading the way.

"WE HAVE TO MOVE NOW!!!" The Vampire King shouted, both monarchs getting tighter grips on their precious cargo before bolting off in separate directions.

"SEEEETTTHHHH!!!" His brother's voice echoed in winter night sky as they disappeared from view.

"ROOOMMAANNN!!!" The boy's voice carried on the wind on that unforgettable, harsh winter night.

-End Of Flashback. 

The Vampire Alpha placed a hand over his eyes and inhaled deeply, letting out a shaky exhale as he tried to calm himself in front of his mate. But Dean could still see when a lone bloodied tear streaked down his face.

"Seth..." Dean sobbed. "I am so sorry for you loss. I… I don't know what to say."

Seth removed his hand and sadly smiled at his love, but Dean could see that other blackened tears had indeed fallen. He approached the depressed king and cupped his face in his hands, thumbing away his tears before kissing a dampened cheek. Seth's smile grew slightly and he placed his own hand over one of Dean's.

"Thank you, my love.." He replied.

"Anytime." Dean sniffed, his own tears threatened to fall again. 

The two males just stayed that way for a couple of minutes, lost in each other's eyes, before Dean looked away, blushing again.

"If…" He began hesitantly. "If you don't mind, Seth, could… Could you tell me what happened next?"

Seth smiled. "As you wish."

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now