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Saturday arrived, but Seth had requested that they do the scanning at the palace since Dean wasn't feeling well that night and didn't feel like leaving home. There was a fair bit of equipment that the doctors had brought with them since royal pups were a BIG deal, though in a little over an hour, they'd managed to set everything up, run an advanced, detailed scan of the blonde's internal organs - which was also projected on the screen for everyone - and determine the following:

- That there was definitely a uterus which had developed in his abdominal cavity (which was the change that ukes made in order to conceive).

- That it was connected to his rectum by a small channel which, as in the case with all male ukes, formed shortly after intercourse and was how he'd been impregnated in the first place.

- That the uterus was functioning normally for a pregnancy.

- That the baby would also be able to grow normally within him, since the womb had developed in the appropriate location.

- And, with the help of both the information on when Seth had actually mated with him (disclosed, of course, with much embarrassment) and the imaging on the screen, they'd also managed to confirm that the queen was exactly five weeks pregnant with a fine and healthy little fetus.

It was a small, magical moment then - seeing the tiny form of life on the screen in front of them, with it's oh-so-tiny but steady heartbeat - and in that moment both Dean and Seth felt any lingering doubts they'd had about seeing the pregnancy through (faint as they had been) immediately dissolve.

"In another four weeks we should be able to tell if it's a boy or girl." Dr. Lynch said, since Dean only wanted her to be his doctor. Seth grasped his mate's hand, smiling, and he smiled back: the males exchanged indulgent looks and Randy rolled his eyes while Renee and Sami exchanged understanding smiles (he was happy for them and liked babies too, but he just wouldn't admit it).

As it turned out, the side effects of Dean's hormonal balancing certainly didn't waste more time in making themselves well felt.

He'd rested well over the previous weeks, gaining back his much needed energy and feeling as good as new.

But early one Monday night, Dean got up on the wrong side of bed.
Seth had risen earlier, so it meant that the warmth next to him was gone - not that he minded too much, since his body temperature had been getting uncomfortably warmer - what irked him was the lack of someone to cuddle with upon waking up. And was that... Bacon and eggs?

Now, if you were there you would probably have agreed that the breakfast that had just been brought up to the king and queen from the kitchen actually smelled good. And it should also be made known that Dean ordinarily didn't mind bacon and eggs at all, it was just that on that particular morning...

Dean took one whiff, gagged, and bolted for the bathroom as his stomach gave the most sickening lurch.

One heave, two heaves, three - oh, God - and another -

It was awful. And he could still smell that goddamn bacon.

"...Dean?" Seth was stepping in some seconds later, kneeling by his side and stroking his back soothingly as he handed him a mug of warm water with the other hand. Dean took it, rinsed the taste of bile from his mouth, then sipped at the water slowly and miserably.

"...There's breakfast, so when you're feeling better, you can-"

The mere thought almost made him gag again. "No... No, just, no don't."

His seme looked at his pale face and winced inwardly. "Are you... Okay?"


The growl from his mate was so harsh and bitter that Seth flinched. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders. "I don't have to go, you know." He said softly. "If you -"

There were many ways in which Dean could've told him Leave me alone, or No you have to go train.

But because he was suddenly upset with a lot of things that night (Seth not being there when he woke, the smell of bacon which had made him vomit like crazy, Seth not knowing that the smell of bacon had made him vomit like crazy, Seth being the indirect cause of all this in the first place, the crows cawing merrily away outside while he was here feeling so miserable), what came out was. "Seth Rollins, if you don't get out of my sight within the next five seconds, I swear on my grave that I will CASTRATE you."

Seth gulped and shifted tentatively away from him. But, what literally scared him was when his wife stood and suddenly his dark aura was on him!

"One..." He hissed, starting to count as he grew claws that would put Freddie Kruger to shame!!

Seth hightailed it out from the bathroom and the bedroom so fast, he nearly broke the sound barrier.

And he just so happened to run into Roman.


Both males were running about the same speed from different directions and when they rounded the corner, they hit each other head-on. Both twins hit the ground.


"Owww." They both groaned, having been knocked back a few feet.

"What the hell happened?" Roman winced as he sat on the floor, rubbing his head.

"I don't know." Seth groaned as he sat up. "Feels like I got hit by a semi."

"That semi was my freaking head, ya jackass!!" His brother hissed, rubbing the bruised area.

"What the hell are you running from anyway?" Seth asked as he helped his brother to his feet.

"You mean who am I running from?" His brother corrected.

"Oh no, not you too." He groaned. "Finn?"

"Finn." He sighed. "Wait a second, what do you mean you,too?"

"SEEEETTHHHH!!!!" Came a shout from one end of the hall.

"ROOOMMMEEEE!!!!" Came from the other as a floating breakfast knife was slung his way, missing him by mere centimeters.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Roman screamed and literally knocked his brother over, trying to get away from his hormonal mate.

"HEY, WAIT FOR ME!!!" Seth shouted as he got up again and, sending up a quick and desperate plea to the heavens for Dean's well-being and the safety of the entire palace, ran after his brother.

Neither husband came back until they were 100% sure that their wives were deep (and I mean DEEP) in their sleep.

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