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His hair were forced back by the wind resistance that came from the roaring motorcycles. Dean sniffed, taking one of his hands from around Seth's waist to wipe away his tears.

"Are you alright, Darling?" His husband asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." He smiled. now resting his head on Seth's broad shoulder as he wrapped his arms tighter around his mate.

"I just can't believe that my friends don't like you guys." He sadly added.

"Yeah, no offense, Dean, but…" Sami replied, pulling up alongside Seth's bike.

"Your friends are jackasses!!" Renee finished for him as she held on tight.

"Yeah, that Nikki one is a bitch!!!" Randy shouted over the roar of their engines.

"They're not jackasses, guys." Dean half-heartily defended them. "And Nikki… She's…" All he could do was sigh.

"Hey, don't worry love." Seth smiled to his mate. "You've still got us."

"Yeah, we've got your back no matter what, D!!" Renee smiled.

"We're not going anywhere, Blondie!" Randy chuckled.

"Yeah, now that you're one of us." Sami snickered. "You're stuck with us for the rest of the afterlife!!"

Dean laughed softly, nuzzling into the side of Seth's neck.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way."

The ride to Cincinnati didn't take long at all, all three motorcycles stopping outside the huge mall of Cincinnati.

Renee's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree once they were all inside, seeing the endless stores and the countless floors with so much stuff to buy.

"Oh. My. God!" She nearly gasped as Sami and Randy tried to sneak away. "I'm dead and I've went to heaven!!!"

"Come on, Sami!!!" She said, latching her hands onto him. "I see a shoe store and it has a sale!!!"

"No, not a shoe store! Anything but that!!" Sami screamed and kicked as she easily pulled the vampire along. "THEY HAVE FANGIRLS IN THERE!!!!"

"Seth, Randy, don't just stand there, do something!!!" He shouted helplessly as the girl dragged him further and further away.

The brunette just chuckled evilly and crossed his arms as Dean looked towards Sami in embarrassment.

"Deuces." Randy snickered, throwing up the piece sign as he walked off in the other direction. Sami gasped before he growled. "You owe me two more pairs of shoes for this, Seth!!!"

Seth smirked and held Dean's hand, leading his mate in the opposite direction.

"Seth, if Sami doesn't like the things that Renee does to him.." Dean asked as they walked on. "Then why won't he just tell her how he feels?"

"Sami will do anything to see Renee smile, Darling." His mate replied. "It may not look like it, but he truly does enjoy making her happy, no matter the cost. And she knows it."

"But, what about Randy?" He asked, watching the vampire enter a Harley Davidson store.

"Randy isn't ready to settle down yet." He answered. "I asked him that once before and he merely said that he likes to go where he wants, when he wants, and stay gone for as long as he wants. He doesn't want anyone or anything holding him down. He said that he's always been alone in life and that he wanted to keep it that way."

"But... He has us now.." Dean said.

"That's true." Seth admitted. "But, there's a reason why he acts that way. It also has to deal with why he's a...you-know-what." He added since passersby could be easily eaves-dropping in on their conversation.

"What is it?"

"Why don't you ask him?" His husband smirked, stopping in the middle of the floor. People just walked around the two vampires as Dean blushed. "But Seth, that's personal! I couldn't ask him something like that!!"

"You're his queen, aren't you?" He asked raising a brow.

The blonde gulped. "Uh... Yeah?"

"Then whatever you ask, he is obliged and under oath to answer. Your word is now law, remember?"

Dean looked from his husband and then to the store across the busy hallway.

"Don't worry, love, he won't bite you." He smiled, kissing him on the cheek, not caring that people stared and took pictures on their camera phones.

"I already did that, remember?" He chuckled, making his mate glare at him.

"Just remember, all you have to do is ask. And just let me know when you need me." He said, tapping a finger to the side of his skull, as if to give him a clue at what he meant.

Dean caught the hint and smiled, feeling a whole lot better now, watching as his husband walked on, disappearing into the crowd.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now