Special: Yami and the kids

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Trigger warning: Mentions of n s f w

Yami Sukehiro P.O.V

"Mummy how did you meet daddy?"

"Well, I picked his squad and on the first night he smashed m-"

"Oi, don't tell the little rascal"

"But daad" The boy whined as he clung to my husband legs. I wondered why he made me adopt the brat. He was annoying, needy for attention that took away most of my time from my Ghostie. I stuck out my fist towards the little rascal in order to try and threaten him but that didn't work as he stuck his tongue out.

"You're both so similar"

"Am not!" The little rascal and I were both in sync. We already had all the other members to take care of. I wondered why he made me adopt this brat. He was tinier than most with tanned skin and black hair with the same eyes. He did resemble me slightly. I remembered then the reason as I got served a plate for breakfast as did the rascal too. I could see his neck slightly that was covered up by his loose turtleneck. Those marks gave me a warm buzzing feeling.

"Now now, your daddy and I met when I was taking the Magic Knights Entrance exams. He seemed scary to most but not to me, eventually we fell in love" Ghost Maid explained with a hand on his his. Our kid bubbled in laughter as he began eating. He was munching loudly until Ghost Maid told him to stop. He apologised before continuing to eat as I read the newspaper. I'm really lucky to end up with him.

Once everyone was done, Ghost Maid took the plates away with a quick kiss to my lips as he took mine. The little rascal made a bleh sound before taking off to mess with one of the members. Blinking, I heard the sound of running water so I got up and entered the kitchen where I saw Ghost Maid happily washing the dishes. Damn, did he look good. I walked up behind him and buried my face in the crook of his neck. Inhaling his smell, I pulled down the turtleneck to give it a few more kisses. A hand pushed away my face.

"No, you already had plenty yesterday" Ghost Maid grumbled as he put the dishes on the dish rack before pulling up his turtleneck. He turned around and pulled me in for a small kiss before offering me a bit of booze. I told him that I wanted him and the booze so he agreed to drink with me in the bedroom. After he did his chores which I helped with, we both let Vanessa and Charmy take the little rascal out for a bit before we retired to the bedroom.

"I'm glad I got a lock" I said as he poured me a cup of booze yet only a minor amount for himself. I sat on the bed with my back against the headboard of our bed. He slipped under the sheets next to me as we drank. We both drank slowly as our legs got entangled with each other and his head rested on my chest. Soon, we started kissing. Normally, I prefer being rough but these times I couldn't help but be loving instead.

"How about we release some stress, Ghostie?"

"I don't see why not Captain"

He laughed an-


"Captain Yami!"

"What?!" Yelling, I got up and nearly murdered the Shrimp but he raced out. I looked around and realised it was all a dream. Damn it. It should've been Ghost Maid that woke me up and not the Shrimp. I sluggishly got up and lit up a cigarette before heading to the mess hall. My sour mood was really obvious and the Shrimp stayed extra far. I entered the kitchen and Ghost Maid was there with a plate ready for me.

Ghost Maid started talking without hesitation nor turning around to me, Charmy was at his leg and I had the urge to pull her off. She's just so clingy to him all the time and I wasn't a fan of that. Grumbling, I sighed but let a small smile grace my face which no one saw. I told him what I wanted for breakfast and he started cooking. I looked to the side and noticed the medium (F/C) sling bag. It had all sorts of papers sticking out but a still decent sized amount of space left.

"Oi Ghost Maid where are you going?"

"Research, there are these plants I want to see badly and there are magic types that people will tell me about today. I'm really excited!"

Ghost Maid's smile beamed at me and I think I saw the sun shining at me for a bit. His bright attitude really stuck to me now that I know him better. I welcomed it and especially his motherly attitude. That was a tiny bit adorable. I have to admit, I loved his battle presence with how dangerously independent he could be that could quickly be switched to mother mode. Turning around, I sat at the table and read the newspaper and the report Julius gave of Ghost Maid.

Overly hardworking, that's what Ghost Maid was. I wanted to know a reason why we had so many stars already. Looks like Ghost Maid did a lot of work. How did he build a large part of the place over a few days so easily? I'll never know and that pissed me off. A plate was put in front of me with delicious breakfast delights. Ghost Maid smiled and bid everyone farewell as he left. He felt like a working mum who's got his shit together. Fuck, I think I like him.

"...bye Ghost Maid"

If anyone to ask me my feeling for Ghost Maid, I wouldn't completely deny it but it's hard to confess to someone who doesn't think they're worthy of love. That pissed me off too, confessing was something I've never done, usually I would just do one night stands but with Ghost Maid who doesn't know a thing about romantic love. I would have to try make it obvious. I have other competition and I wasn't going to lose. Thing is how does one confess to a dense Ghost Maid. I need a tutorial or something.

A/N: As someone who is dense and has a dense s/o. It's hard. Ahaha I confessed and it flew over the other persons head then my s/o confessed back a week later and I was dumbfounded and it nearly flew over my head. Honestly, thank you all for reading and keeping me going. The comments are the best part.

 The comments are the best part

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