a new direction

113 17 38

She slammed the receiver down on the telephone base.


She picked it up and slammed it down, over and over again.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

She picked up the telephone and pulled hard on it, yanking the cord out of the wall. She then threw it down on the floor and kicked it across the living room.

It slammed into the rocking chair, near the couch.

"Dat bes a unique ways to 'ang up da phone, Matty. Real lady like."

The woman slumped into the chair next to the desk.

"Howell pulled out. Said he didn't need the irritation of fighting with the government."

"Well, Matty. Dat wud bes a pain in da ass."

Matty looked toward the rocking chair.

"Oh and he also forgot to mention that he was going through a fucking divorce. Said his wife was going after half of his estate and by the time it was all over he would be lucky to have enough money to buy a Tim Horton's."

She picked up the stack of documents on her desk and dropped them into the wicker basket near the desk.

"Youse knows dat bes my knittin' basket."

Matty stared at the woman.

"I love you Nanny, but not right now."

"Ise be jest sayin'."

"And Ise bes jest sayin' dat youse 'as your own knittin' bag 'angin' on the rockin' chair."

Nanny laughed.

"Youse be losin' yer accent, Matty me love. Too long in da big city."

Matty shook her head.

"I wouldn't exactly call Corner Brook a big city."

"Bes a 'ell of a lot bigger den da Bay," Nanny reminded her.

Matty got up from her chair and walked into the kitchen, talking as she did.

"I give up Nanny. I worked on that Howell purchase for six months. He was supposed to sign the papers this weekend. That makes four investors that have backed out so far."

She walked back into the living room, sipping on a beer.

"Four. And time is running out."

"Youse still 'as over a year."

Matty slumped back in the chair, picking up a cigarette from an open pack.

"Yea, but I have been working on this for almost two years, ever since the government informed us of their decision."

"Youse knos Ise don't likes youse smokin' in me 'ouse."

Matty stared at the woman.

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