the sincerity overwhelmed my rationality

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Type stood before his older sister, darting his eyes, to then hang his head.
"Cleo....... What is it you want?"
She raised an eye brow to take a step forward.
"First.....I want to know..... Where are you going? You seem to be in a hurry."
Type peered his eyes to the side, to grit his teeth.
"No..... Where you need to know about..... Now....."
Type went about cleo, to then stop.
She turned to eye.
"Are....... You actually going to celebrate the worst day off the year?"
Types face fell.
"Thank you...... For calling my birthday..... The worst day of the year....."
"Well it is........ It was the day a faggot like you were born."
Type took a deep breathe in.
"What is it you want cleo?"
She stepped closer.
"Mom...... And dad...... Wanted me to stop by and get the money, instead of you mailing it..... They also wanted me to once again talk some sense in you. They miss there baby boy type and you know what you have to do. Just stop this foolishness, date a woman and....."
Type placed his hand to his pocket, to grab out the envelope with the money to eye.
Turning, he held it out for his sister looking her directly in the eye.
"Cleo...... This is not foolishness...... I'm gay......I have relationships with men. I'm..... Sorry..... I'm a big disappointment to you and to them but this is just who I am and....."
Types head went to the side, cleo snatched the envelope, to step closer to him in anger.
"You are so selfish type! I despise the day you were born! You have no idea what you are doing to your family, so many nights I have to hear our mother cry and father is working later and later, I'm suppose to be with my husband, but I had to move in and help them. You are a piece of shit, you disgusting faggot! I can tell what you are rushing to go do, it is imorale and deprived, also so very sick! I hope you catch something, maybe then you'll learn!"
Leaning, up, she left, hitting his shoulder with here's to storm off.
Types eyes darted has he looked to the side, slowly he brought his hand to his cheek to rub.
I..... Need to..... Go.... I'm..... Going to be..... Late......
Flexing his jaw, he kept his head down to turn to go to the bus station.
To the bus, type sat, sullen, looking down to the floor.
I...... Hate..... Today....... Why did she..... Have to come...... Why couldn't they just wait..... Should I...... Go and..... Do this..... Maybe I should call and...... Tell him it's my birthday and.......
Type lifted his head up to look to the top.
I..... Just want..... To get drunk and...... Forget today...... It really is..... The worst day of the year......
Peering his eyes to the side, the bus had stopped where he needed to be.
Taking a deep breathe, he knew there would be alcohol in the room.
Up, he parted to, go to the front desk to get the key, to then go to the elevator, to then go to the room, to stand before the door, head hung, looking at the key card.
You.... Are already.... Late...... Maybe just turn around..... And...... Text crayo...... Go to a bar...... Get black out drunk but..... Even though...... He feels nothing for me.......I.......
Type lifted his head to look to the door.
I....... Can pretend he does.......
Taking a deep breathe, type placed the card key in to have the door open.
Inside, type looked to tharns back.
"Mmm...... I'm sorry..... I'm....."
Types eyes widen, his lips parted.
Tharn turned to smile, has he come about, he had a cake with candles indicating his age.
Tharn brought his hand up to lit them.
Type breathed heavily, eyes darted.
"No need to apologize, you were probably with your family...... Should have cancelled today...... But.....I didn't know if you celebrated with cake or not, so wanted to at least do this for you."
Tharn looked up to eye type a bit confused.
He didn't understand why type looked like he was about to cry..
"Um..... Well..... Make a wish....."
Type gulped, to look up.
It had been so long for him, since anyone did anything this sweet and on this day.
Tharn kept his smile to his face to lift the cake up a bit.
"Happy birthday type."
Type peered his eyes down to blow out the candles, to then grab the cake to turn placing it to the table.
Tharn eyed the action, still confused.
"Um..... If you have something planned with your family.... We don't need to....."
Tharns eyes widen in surprise.
Type had turned back, to wrap his arms around his neck, to place his lips to his.
They stood there for a moment, type kept his eyes closed, has an overwhelming emotion swelled inside of him.
Parting, type slowly opened his eyes to look to tharn who eyed him questionably.
Types eyes widen to then take his arms down to then turn, his back to tharn, fingers to his lips.
What did I...... Just......
Tharns eyes darted.
"Type....... What is...... Going on?"
Type took a deep breathe in.
"I'm.... Sorry....I shouldn't have....."
"That's not it.... Your acting....a bit....odd....I know..... You want to keep our..... Arrangement but......if your family, wants to do something with you today I really do......"
Type took a deep breathe to turn to eye tharn.
"I..... Haven't celebrated my birthday..... With them.....heck..... With anyone..... Since I was 15 years old."
Tharn cocked his head to the side, to then step forward to grab types hand.
Type looked down to the action, his brows furrowed softly, has tharn used his thumb to rub the back of his hand.
"Type....... Can you..... Tell me why?"
Type took in a deep inhale, to look to tharn.
There eyes darted, tharn then pulled type to the bed to then sit to the edge, tharn never let go of his hand.
"Type..... Please...... Can you tell me why you haven't in so long? Is there something wrong with your family? Are they sick or...."
Type scoffed to look forward.
"No...... There not sick.... Apperently I am the one who..... Is....."
Type took a deep inhale.
"They...... Kicked me out..... When I was 15..... For.... Being gay....... It..... Ties into why I..... Don't kiss......"
Tharns lips parted. Letting types hand go, he placed his arm around his shoulders to then pull him to stroke his head, eyes darted.
"Type..... Please explain it to me.... How they.... Could be so heartless......"
Type closed his eyes to take a very long and deep inhale.

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