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Gulping, type looked to all his family, to shake a bit, peering his eyes to the closed box he was holding, he breathed out realived it was not open. However, the only thing this box held was tharns papers for work.
Tharn stepped a bit closer.
His mother looked to him.
"Type.... Who is that?"
Type turned his head to eye tharn.
He looked to type then he eyed them.
"I am his University Principal, mr. Naramoto. Mr. Jerhero here is my school aide, who may I ask are you?"
Type signed to turn his head to eye each of them.
"Um.... These people are my mother, father and sister."
His sister raised her eye brow.
"That was a bit rude type."
Tharns eyes widen.
"Oh..... It is....a pleasure to meet all of you. Your son and brother here is quite the exceptional student."
His mother, hung her head, tears welled up.
Type took a deep breathe in, to sign.
"Well, let's all not talk out here. Son, can you please open the door, um, mr. Naramoto why are you here?"
Tharn step to stand next to him.
"Has I said, he is my student aide, in these boxes are materials we need to go over for the upcoming assembly, that is why I am also here."
Type took a deep breathe in
You tharn are great at lying.
His father nodded to place his arm around his mother shoulder to move her.
"Then..... Type can you open the door?"
His sister then went to stand next to them.
Type gritted his teeth, to nod.
Going forth, he unlocked the door, to place the box to his side, to open the door and side, his family came in, tharn went to the door frame to look to type, who turned his head to eye them, looking around his small place.
"Type, maybe I should...." He whispered.
He looked back with wide eyes.
"Tharn... Please don't leave me." He whispered back.
Tharn looked him over to nod.
Going in, he placed that box to the other, to then help type close the door. The two stood before the other to eye.
"I won't leave you."
Tharn took a deep breathe.
"You go.... Talk to them.... I'll go get something for them to drink."
Type nodded.
"Thank you."
Tharn smiled to then turn to go to the kitchen. Type turned to eye them, his mother and father sat to the couch, his sister was to a wall, body pressed to it, arms wrapped, looking down, she did not want to be there, only was because he parents couldn't drive for reasons.
Type took a deep breathe, to go to his small kitchen table to swirl a chair around to eye them.
"So..... Why.... Are you... All here?"
His mother looked to him with his father right next to her.
"It is because of that phone call."
Type gulped.
Tharns body tensed has his back was too them making the tea, he stared at the tea pot intently.
"They said to leave you be with your boyfriend. Type...... Are you dating a..... Man?"
Type took a deep breathe.
"That...... Um......"
He looked to his parents, they looked directly at him, eyeing his sister she didn't seem to care, he then looked right back to them.
"Do...... You remember crayo? My.... Childhood friend who was younger?"
They both nodded.
"Well..... He did that has a joke."
Tharn furrowed his eye brows to grit his teeth, he needed to take a few calming breathes.
Tharn..... Don't, he can't tell them your dating. Be the mature one.
He's mother scoffed.
"The was a bad joke! Well then, type it's enough."
Type raised an eye brow.
"Listen type, we have..... Been talking around, and......I believe we can help you with..... This...... Sickness of yours."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
Type signed.
"Mom..... I'm not sick."
"Type, yes you are. Gayness, is a choice. I know you can like girls. Now, we have been reading about conversion therapy or an intervention of all us and friends, however I think we are way past that. Since you haven't even dated a boy, just kissed from what your sister told us that one day. Your pure type, a virgin, there is a church where...."
Type hung his head to burst out laughing.
He then stood to place his hand over his mouth.
His father looked to him with narrowed angery eyes.
"This is not funny type!"
Tharn curled his lips to stop himself from laughing.
His sister looked to him with an eye brow raised.
"I..... Haha..... Know it's just..... Your way of thinking.... I'm sorry...... It's ludicrous."
His mother stood to eye type, he took his hand down to gulp looking her over.
"Type! You are sick, deprived, and committing the ultimate sin! The only thing going for you is the fact you have not laid with a man. Now you are going to go do this, then come home, be our perfect son. Stop this foolishness it's disgusting"
Tharn flexed his jaw.
Type took a deep breathe, he didn't know why but with tharn there he gathered unknown strength, to tell his parents off, he also felt this was aimed at tharn even though they didn't know he was his boyfriend.
Wrapping his arms about, he stepped closer, his sister and father eyed him.
"Now you listen to me, I am not sick, this is not disgusting. It is who I am, I fall in love with men, one in particular."
Her eyes widen.
"So..... You have a boyfriend!?"
Tharn darted his eyes.
"Yes I do, and let me tell you, I am not pure, also mom the sex, it is incredibly fucking fantastic."
Her lips parted, for her husband they got up to punch type in the face, causing him to fall to his ass.
His sister pushed herself off the wall to eye, she chuckled.
"That's what your faggot ass gets?"
Tharn turned to go to type, he crouched to eye.
His father towered over, to point a finger at him.
"How dare you say that to your mother! You sick son of a...."
Looking over types, cut face that started to bleed, he saw tears then start to come down, tharn had enough.
He got up to push his father back, to eye his mother then sister.
"All of you need to get out!"
"We are his family and...."
Tharn scoffed.
"What you are is something I would like not to say in front of him, what you just did was assault and battery. Now get out before I call the police!"
Types sister crossed the room, to then grab his mother's hand to then pull, she had tears falling. His father eyed tharn, he looked him up and down, to then follow them, slamming the door.
Tharn took a deep breathe to turn, to go to type, hand to his shoulder, the other to his un harmed cheek to turn to him.
There eyes darted.
"Type.... I'm so sorry.... This is my fault..... Should not have stayed in the...."
Type then pounced to wrap his arms around his neck, to cry and hard.
Tharn took a deep breathe to hold him tight.
"Don't..... Tharn..... None of this.... Is your fault..... They've..... Ruined my place.....I..... Don't want you.... To move in anymore...."
Tharns eyes widen.
Type sniffed to then move back eyeing tharn.
"Can.... Can I..... Move in with you?"
Tharn looked him over, to pull type to his body.
"Of course. I love you type."
The two stayed in there embrace, for type to cry his eyes out, while his man comforted him sweetly.

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