1: The Life Of Eroda Martin

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"Earth to Eroda!"

Of course I had to zone out in the middle of a staff meeting.

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" I sat up and pushed my glasses up my nose. Rosie, The Head of Department sighed.
"I um" I panicked. "I-I agree with um Michelle that we should crack down on overdue homework! I-it's simply unacceptable!"
Wrong. It was completely acceptable when your students were clearly mentally ill.
Michelle shot me a dark look. We agreed it was acceptable to take in late work, but of course terrified Eroda had backed out.

Rosie sighed. "Right, that concludes this staff meeting. See you all in assembly"
We all stood up and began filing out of the meeting room. Michelle grabbed my arm on the way out and hauled me towards the window. My face was already a deep shade of red from the embarrassment in the meeting room.

"Eroda! What happened!?" She snapped.
"I-I zoned out! I'm sorry!" I sighed.
"Eroda, you really need to get that checked out"
I already knew what it was but I knew it couldn't interfere with my work.
"I will. Eventually. God, I really screwed it"
"Here, it's okay. I'll do it next week. You tried and that's what matters" she replied as the bell rang. "I gotta get to class. We're analysing 'A Christmas Carol"
"You're teaching Year Elevens today!? Lucky, I have the Year Sevens. They keep talking about Love Island" I sulked.
"Haha. Good luck" We headed down the corridor and into our individual classrooms.

I entered the room to see my class was a wreck - sitting on tables, screaming...the whole lot of it.
"Uh, everyone sit down! Why on earth have none of you got your homework out on the table!?" I scolded them all.
The frightened Year Sevens scurried off to their  seats and rummaged through their bags.
"Right, I'm going to do the register and when I call your name, hold up your homework" I sat at my desk and logged in before clicking onto the register link. Then I remembered.

She had awful anxiety and handed her homework in late. I could not embarrass her.

"Actually, just leave it on your desks. I'll collect it when you've all left. Just take out your copies of 'The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas". Mary! Can you hand out the books please?" I said, not looking away from my computer.
"Teachers pet" Ryan sniggered. His friends giggled while poor Mary went red as she wobbled over to the cupboard.
"That's not very kind, Ryan" I gave him a dark look. "Apologise to Mary before explaining the quote we discussed last lesson"

Revenge was sweet.

Watching him say sorry then splutter and stammer told me two things: he clearly had not revised and he was just a pathetic bully who took part in anti school subculture.
"That's what I thought" I sighed as I finished taking the register and clicked on the lessons powerpoint.

Teaching was wonderful. It did wonders for my anxiety: I felt like a different person. I felt knowledgable and powerful. My best friend from primary school Khadijah always told me 'Knowledge was power' and despite me not being religious...I agreed so much. The lesson went by smoothly and my students were ever so joyous by the end. I always made my lessons fun and ensured everybody understood the work - and added a game of Kahoots at the end.

"Right, could Angela stay behind and the rest of you may go! Have a lovely weekend!" One by one, my pupils said goodbye and ran out of the room. Angela had tears in her eyes as she heard her name. I waited for everybody to leave before closing the door and making my way over to her desk. I sat at the edge of Kimberly's desk (they sat next to each other) before beginning.

"How are you?" I asked.
Angela always looked shocked whenever I asked her if she was alright.
"I-um I'm fine" she whispered.
"Are you sure? That's another late homework. I'm not sure you're alright" I responded.
"I-I was going to do it! I promise!"
"Hey, it's okay. I'm not angry - just concerned. Is your mental health alright? Everything okay at home?"
"Um" she looked like she was going to cry.

"You don't need to tell me anything personal if you don't want to. I just wanted to make sure you were alright or if you needed any extra help" I spoke.
"I-i'll be okay. I'll do the homework tonight, I will!" She gabbled.
"Okay, just email it to me. I'll mark it with everyone else's. But if you need help - just ask. Okay?" She nodded after I said all that.
"Sorry for keeping you. You have a good weekend. And look after yourself"
"Okay. Thank you" she whispered before grabbing her bag and leaving the room quickly.

I sighed and tucked her chair in before collecting all the homework off the individual desks. Another evening of marking - the worst part of my job. But the smiles on the faces of those who succeeded was worth it.

My names Eroda Martin and as you can tell...I'm a teacher at Abbey Road Secondary School. I'd been teaching for five years and honestly, it wasn't too drab. But...it does get pretty boring. I felt like my life was going nowhere. Same old same old everyday. Teach five different classes, mark work, sleep very little...it was not very fun. I love my pupils and most of my co workers but...life did get pretty boring. Lonely even.

I decided to sit at my desk and turn the radio on before getting started on my marking. I completed it all the day I got it - unless it was an essay. Those took ages. Lucky for me, Michelle popped in to keep me company and she gave me a hand. We both began our jobs together and were ever so close.

"Hey, turn that song up! It's my daughters favourite" she spoke as she put another sheet on the marked pile.
"Yeah sure" I turned the volume up and read the title. Sign Of The Times by Harry Styles.
"Hey, wasn't he in One Direction?" I asked her.
"Yeah! The curly haired lad?" She said.
"Oh, I remember! I took my sister to their show once! They're really good. Harry had such lovely long hair" I smiled before remembering what Ryan had said in class about him.
"He looks bare gay" his childish voice played in my head. God, why in this day and age do children use 'Gay' as an insult?

We carries on chattering before we tidied away and headed out of the building.
"Right, I've got to cook tonight. But maybe tomorrow we should hang out? Come over! The kids miss their aunt!" She nudged me as we got to my car.
"I'll see. I should really get some more essays done" I explained.
"Bring it over! C'mon let's mark and gossip!"
"Sounds like a plan. Get home safely, okay?"
"You too Eroda" we shared a quick hug before she headed to her car whilst I got into mine.

Now for an evening of marking essays and Year Seven essay plans.

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