McQuaid Kids

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May 1988

I was finishing up some paperwork from the bust I had this morning from Champagne High School when I overheard Tom talking to Captain Fuller about his next assignment. I listened in and became intrigued when Tom mentioned Doug's absence.

"This is a two man operation," Fuller said to Tom with a mug of hot coffee in his hand. "We need the McQuaid Brothers for this, but we cannot wait for Doug to come back to work. The summer flu is nasty this year."

I stood up from my desk and started walking over to Tom and Fuller. Tom looked up at me when I approached and I said, "I can do it."

Fuller raised his dark eyebrow

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Fuller raised his dark eyebrow. "You want to be a McQuaid brother?"

"Yes— no... I mean, I can go undercover as Tom's sister," I suggested, "I just finished my paperwork from my bust at Champagne High this morning. I'm ready for another."

Full nodded. "That's not a bad idea."

"Mickey McQuaid has a nice ring to it," Tom smirked at me.

"Come here, Gregg." Fuller waved his finger at me and I followed him to his office. He handed me Doug's file which had his undercover name, Doug McQuaid, printed on the front. Fuller said, "memorize this, everything will be the same. Except you're name is Mickey McQuaid. Sound good?"

"Sounds great," I said, taking the file and I thumbed through it. I raised my eyebrows slightly and I asked, "we are very badly behaved high school students?"

"I know that I usually assign you toward other parts of the school, Gregg, but can you handle a poor attitude and hangout with with the burnouts?"

"Absolutely, I can." I smiled. I had always wanted a 'bad' undercover job, because I'm usually assigned with the goody-goodies. I guess I don't have a resting bitch face that intimates others.

"Great—" he checked his watch "—lunch ends in an half hour. The file has our only lead, a picture of the dealer. Find him, you find the supplier. If you get dressed now, you will be fashionably late. Scat."

Tom and I drove up in his 1968 Mustang to the school, and almost immediately someone tried to punch him. He was rightfully pissed off, and they had a fist-fight. Students circled around the fight, cheering them on. I fed off of Tom's energy, and got into the bad attitude character fairly quickly. Tom was sent to the principal's office, and I went to my third period class. I had practiced trash-talk and bad-mouthing tactics to myself in the mirror every chance I got since I received the assignment, so I used that to people around me. I felt bad, but I had to remember that I was a McQuaid, not a Gregg.

The name McQuaid spread around the school like a wildfire, with almost everyone knowing who the bad-attitude siblings of the school were. Students would come up to me and ask if we were twins, but I would joke that Tommy was held back a year.

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