The Law Student Killer

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June 1989
Narrator's POV

Mickey was diligently taking notes for her class in Criminal Law. She sat in her chair of the full lecture hall, blending in with the other students. It was coming to the end of the semester, so she was studying extra hard for finals. The professor was lecturing in monotone so when the door opened, everyone snapped their heads to the newcomer.

The professor stopped and turned to the door. Mickey looked up and her eyes widened when she saw Tom walk in. Her eyebrows came together in confusion as Tom handed a paper slip to the professor. Her class was the last place she was expecting to see Tom.

"Sorry, I got lost," Tom said in a low voice. He had a backpack on, and plainclothes. Mickey could not pinpoint who he was portraying, but he was definitely not dressed as a McQuaid.

"All right, Mr. Bates, have a seat. You can sit next to Miss Gregg," Professor Gacy said and gestured toward the empty seat next to Mickey. He took the paper from Tom and set it on his desk. Tom looked up and saw Mickey, and walked up the lecture hall to sit beside her.

Mickey was trying not to move her lips as she asked him in a hushed voice, "what the hell are you doing here?"

The professor continued his lecture, not being able to see or hear Tom and Mickey's discussion.

Tom did the same, "I'm on a case. Students have been going missing around campus from this department, and they all had this class in common."

"I know, I was the one who told Fuller," Mickey said while trying to write down what Professor Gacy was saying, "I didn't know that he assigned someone already."

"The media is already calling him The Law Student Killer, because of all the law students who have been murdered by him," he said in a low voice.

After the initial shock that Tom was now in her class until the case was solved, she began to wonder why Fuller did not ask her first. She would have been able to be undercover, while simultaneously going to class. A win-win situation.

The next day, Mickey went to the chapel early to talk to Fuller about the assignment. It was one of the only times she felt out of place in the chapel, because she was wearing her own regular clothes rather than clothes that teenagers tend to wear. It wasn't far off from her usual style, but it still made her feel out of place. She wore black high waisted jeans cinched with a black belt with a black crop top and a dark blue oversized jean jacket over it. She was alone in Fuller's office with him and she asked, "why didn't you tell me that you were sending Tom to my school?"

Fuller explained, "we couldn't take the chance of your cover being blown. You'd have had to choose between staying at Jump Street or staying at ESU."

Mickey exhaled softly and looked down at her feet, now understanding why Fuller decided to leave her out of the case. She had her curly brown hair in a half up, half down style, which fell over her shoulders. She nodded and said, "okay, that makes sense. But a bit of a heads up would have been nice though. I wasn't expecting to see Tommy Bates walk through that door."

"Tom has been investigating ESU for a few days now. He thinks it's a professor in the law department. He can't be sure which one though," Fuller said.

Mickey hated to think that the person murdering her classmates was a professor, but she couldn't rule it out. She agreed, "it makes sense because the students would have to trust whoever the murderer is."

Fuller leaned back in his chair and squinted his eyes a bit and tilted his head, looking Mickey up and down. He thought of Mickey like a daughter, because he sees his officers of Jump Street like his children. Mostly because he has a son that is about their age, but also because they have grown tremendously in the couple years that he has been their Captain. However, this made it difficult to get into the mind of a criminal and be able to see his officers the way criminals would. For Mickey, he could see her as someone who greatly resembled the victims.

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