Strip Joint

272 17 99

February 1989

All five of us were gathered around the table in the squad-room so Fuller could give us our assignments at the same time. For the first time in a while, I was partnered with Ioki to check out some suspicious gang activity that's been concerning the community lately. I was looking through my folder while Fuller was giving everyone else their assignments.

"Everyone got that?" Fuller asked at the end of our meeting.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered for myself as I flipped through the pages.

Fuller dismissed us, and before I even realized that he never said Mickey's name, Mickey stated exactly that. "He didn't say anything to me."

"Maybe you get the day off," I joked.

"Maybe. I'll take a nice, long nap and refuse to step outside my apartment."

"Even on a Friday night?"

"Especially on a Friday night." She smiled and laughed at herself.

I chuckled and gazed at her softly.

Fuller was walking away from the table when he said, "Gregg, I want to see you in my office

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Fuller was walking away from the table when he said, "Gregg, I want to see you in my office."

Mickey glanced up at Fuller before she looked back at us and we all exchanged confused looks. She hesitantly followed Fuller into his office and closed the door behind her.

"What do you think that's about?" Judy asked as we all slowly made our way to our desks.

"I dunno. Think she's in trouble or something?" Doug asked.

Ioki shook his head. "There's no way."

"Must be some sort of top-secret mission," I joked. I tried to stay light-hearted, but there was something nagging in me that something was wrong. If nothing was wrong, why couldn't Fuller have told the rest of us?

We were all silent as we waited for the door to open again. I was straining my ears, but I couldn't hear their voices. When the door opened, we all began making ourselves appear busy and pretended that we were not trying to eavesdrop. Mickey came right out and went straight to her desk.

"What did Fuller want?" I asked her quietly. I tried to study her face, but she looked neutral.

"It wasn't anything special, don't worry about it," she said while grabbing her bag. That wasn't very reassuring.

"You get in trouble?" Doug asked bluntly.

"What? No," she said. She slung her bag over her shoulder and said, "I've got to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

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