Stake Out

385 16 68

Tom's POV
April 1987

Just a day after completing my very first assignment with Mickey Gregg, I walked into work and was once again overwhelmed by the interior decorations of the chapel. Every time I walk through those doors, I always assume that the interior was something I imagined from an elaborate fever dream. However, I'm always proven wrong.

I got to my chair and as soon as I dropped my car keys on the desk, I looked up and saw Mickey sitting at her desk across from mine. She was writing on a paper and she looked up at me and her lips tugged into a small smile.

I smiled back, "good morning."

"Morning," she said.

"How was your night?" I asked.

"Mine was just fine, how was yours?"

I said, "pretty good. Made some stir fry last night, so my lunch is going to be fantastic."

"That sounds pretty good," she said dimly. Maybe it was just because it was early in the morning, but she didn't seem very invested in our conversation.

I let out a soft chortle to reduce the awkward silence between us. I quickly looked at her desk and I didn't see a lunch bag or anything with her. I asked, "did you bring a lunch?"

She shrugged and said, "I forgot. I'll get just a lunch from the school."

I frowned because the school lunches aren't very good at all. There's little nutritional value, and there isn't very much that they give you. I decided to be nice and offer her some of my food. "If we are paired together again today... I packed extra if you want any."

She smiled politely, "I might take you up on that."

Sometimes I wish I could ask if I'm getting through to her. I keep hanging on because I'm trying to learn her song but I never do. I'm trying so hard to get to know her but she shuts me down. Just when I think I've gotten her to crack and she's giving in, she's not who I thought she was. But I can see how real she is with the rest of the team. Why can't she be real with me?

Jenko's voice interrupted our stale conversation. He whistled and called out, "Hanson! In here."

I looked over at him and saw his head retracting back into his office. I glanced back at Mickey and she raised her eyebrows at me and returned to her paper. I fixed the collar of my jacket before I walked across the chapel to Jenko.

I walked into Jenko's office and sat in the uncomfortable chair. He sat in the chair next to me and said, "on paper, you and Mickey did a great job on that case at Amherst High. I just wanted to call you in here and ask how you thought it went."

I nodded and said honestly, "yeah—uh, it was great. I learned a lot."

"Come on, now. I ain't itching to tell her what we talk about here. It's a safe space. Tell me what you really thought," Jenko said.

"I am being honest," I said and looked at him sincerely. "You can tell that she cares deeply about her job."

"Yeah, she does. How did you like working with Mickey?" Jenko asked. "I've had officers tell me that she's Rosemary's Baby, no one wants to be her partner."

"She's a hard ass," I chuckled, "but I think it's gonna make me a better cop."

"That's good to hear. I knew you two would get along. Some people complain about how tough she is, but I'm glad that you've learned from it."

I could understand why people would be a little intimidated by her. But I found her tough-love approach to be just what I needed. Some people just can't handle it. I chuckled and said, "I really enjoyed it."

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