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I was temporarily transferred from the Metro Police to the East Fernfield Police station a couple hours away. They had an officer down, and they asked if someone could transfer to them for a few weeks. Fuller originally wanted Judy to go, but she got caught up with a case and since I had just finished mine, Fuller assigned me to go instead.

I was set up with a temporary apartment while I was working over there, and word got around that it was high school students who were the drug dealers of the town. And because of my unique career history, I was assigned to go undercover at East Fernfield High School. There is no Jump Street program over there, so I got to choose my own cover.

I had no contact with my team at Jump Street, which Fuller advised in order to stay undercover almost 24/7. It was hard at first, because they are my best friends. Fuller almost set me up with a host family, but I talked him into letting me live alone in a hotel outside of town.

I decided on the name Mickey Russell, with no film reference. I was quick to find the drug dealers, and they trusted me fairly quickly. I finally contacted Fuller when I found out that they were meeting in another town with more kids from another school to swap drugs that were floating around their respective schools.

I was told that we were waiting for the supplier behind a sketchy restaurant about an hour away. It was dark, so the only light came from scattered streetlights along the sidewalk. I had my badge on the inside of my jacket, and my gun was concealed at my hip.

Mickey Russell was a burn-out, so I wore baggy clothes and had my hair unkept. I used makeup to subtly make my face look pale and sunken, like I was a burn-out druggie. I kept my posture slouchy, and I was always leaning against something. While we waited for the other drug dealers and the supplier, I was leaning against a brick wall.

"Here they come," the dealer that I had kept my eye on for the past few weeks, Jules, said. Jules is not the toughest drug dealer I have come across, but he is one of the sneakiest. He always wore punk attire, and his long blonde hair was always brushed back in a ratty ponytail. I tossed a fake cigarette that I had between my fingers to the ground and stomped it out as three guys waltzed up to us under the street light.

"Who's this broad?" One of them asked, gesturing towards me with a rolled up joint between his fingers. He walked slightly in front of the other two, and his mannerisms told me that he was the main dealer of the other school.

"This is Mickey, she's cool," Jules reassured.

I nodded toward the guys, and put my fists deep in my pockets. "I move a lot of product."

Jules asked, "who are your men?"

"This is Felix Russo, and Tommy Depp," he answered. He winked to me and said, "and I'm Kevin. Kevin Harvey."

"Pleasure," I said in a scratchy voice. I looked over at Tom, who was posing as Tommy Depp over at Garfield High School. His assignment was to get close with Kevin to make sure that he was there for the meeting with the supplier. I had not seen him in weeks, and all I wanted to go was run up to him and give him a biggest hug.

Tom was wearing red and black plaid pants with multiple belts around his waist with a white band shirt under is punk leather jacket. He wore a dangly earring, and had his dark hair combed up and out of his face.

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