Exchange Students from England

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November 1988

I busted into the chapel on a chilly November morning, just seconds away from technically being late. I shook off some of the snow that gathered on my shoulders and hair, and began walking to my desk.

I passed Tom when he said to me, "that's two demerits for being late, officer."

"The roads were so bad, I passed three accidents on the way here

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"The roads were so bad, I passed three accidents on the way here. Three!" I exclaimed as I placed my bag on my desk. "I was surprised my car made it through."

"Are you going to need a ride home?" Tom asked me.

"If the snow doesn't let up, yeah," I said as I shimmied my black coat off and set it on my chair, but I was still warm from the brown abstract-patterned grandpa sweater I was wearing. My jeans were cuffed to show my white high-top converse, but I probably should have worn winter boots today. "Thank you."

"Not a problem. I think Fuller restocked the hot coco if you want any," Tom said.

"Oh, yes," I said. My teeth were practically chattering together from how cold I was. At that moment, hot coco sounded like the most delicious thing in the world.

"I'll get it."

"Are you sure?" I asked. I really didn't mind making it myself. In fact, I naturally assumed I was.

"It's okay, I was gonna get some anyways."

Tom got up from his desk and headed over to the little corner of the chapel where we have a lonely cabinet, a drawer, and a small refrigerator living. It's the tiniest kitchen, but at least it's something. I was still getting settled at my desk as I heard Tom rummaging around over there, then I heard him ask, "what's this?"

I glanced up and saw that he grabbed a paper bag from the fridge that had a note stapled to it that said, "DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT."


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