Underage Drinking

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Based on the episode Two for the Road
October 1987

I haven't felt like myself since Pacino died. I've known that dog for years, Jenko called him my brother and I was his sister. I just can't stop thinking about his last moments and how I left him while he was dying. If I had known when it happened, could I have saved him? Did he know that I came back and I was there for him? It pains me that I'll never know.

After he died, Tom kept checking in on me and making sure I was okay. It was really sweet. He knew how much Pacino meant to me, and I appreciated his efforts to comfort me. He really is a great guy. Even Doug came around and he helped me get a new bedroom door since Pacino busted down the other one. He has always been my go-to handyman.

It's been about a month, and I'll never get over it but life goes on. I feel like I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him, I couldn't tell him how much he meant to me. I know he knows... but it's been eating at me. I don't think I'll be able to get another dog again.

At least now I have two guardian angels out there for me. I've kept his toys around, because it makes it feel like he's still here. I'll donate them soon so other dogs can enjoy them... but just not right now.

This particular morning, Fuller had been answering every phone call that came through to the chapel. I was standing with Doug and Tom at Tom's desk, waiting for Fuller to transfer the call he had just answered.

The chapel was busy. It was swarming with officers, the phone felt like it was ringing nonstop, we had typewriters clicking and ringing from all sides of the squad-room, and officers were discussing their cases loudly to hear each other over all the other noise. I'm not used to the chapel being this hectic.

Penhall said once Fuller hung up, "you know, Captain, we pay people to answer the phones."

"Mmhm, but we don't pay you to tell me that," Fuller said.

Tom leaned into Doug's ear and made a funny noise, then showed us his toy helicopter.

"Take a look at this, Hanson

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"Take a look at this, Hanson." Fuller handed Tom an identification card and he showed it to me and Doug. "It's a forgery. Vice has turned up 300 of these in the last eighteen months, all from the same shop. I'm putting you, Ioki, Gregg, and Hoffs on this with Penhall."

"Five cops on a fake ID case? Isn't that a little top heavy?" Tom asked. Fuller looked at Tom with a blank stare. Tom got uncomfortable and ended with, "sir?"

"Teenage drunk driving accidents have tripled in the past twelve months, Hanson. I thought there might be a connection," Fuller said matter-of-factly.

"You want me on this case, sir?" I asked.

Fuller turned to me. "Why would I not?"

"I am not twenty-one yet," I reminded him. Did he not know?

He squinted at me. "You're not?"

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