Chapter 77

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the song>>>
Luca Delavan
May 3rd
It'd been May 3rd. 7:00am, birds was chirping, sun was rising, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter with every day that passed.

So I cracked open my window as I stared out into the forest in the back yard. There were deers and shit running around back there. Just enjoying their meaningless ass lives. I wondered what it was like to be one of them.

Not have to worry about relationship problems and shit. Eat whatever and just carry on. Must've been nice. I envied those bastards.

Sparking up a cigarette, I inhaled then exhaled the smoke. The only thing that could keep me calm. That damn nicotine did me good in times like these. I was trying not to snort that powder fa Anais' sake. If I wanted her back I was gone have to try my hardest to look my best.

And maybe she'd see that ima good person. I was a good person. Despite my past mistakes.
Milo said I wasn't but that wasn't true. I was. I had a heart although it ain't seem like it.

I just needed to apologize to everyone. Then they'll see.

It'll jog Anais' memory and we'd be back on track. If I got her back after this, I was taking her to Italy. On my mama I was.

Conceiving our child in a 5 star hotel. Buying her designer everything too.

I just had to show shawty I was better. I had to show her how much I loved her.

Milo Delavan, 3:00pm
Anais nuzzled her head in my chest, getting all comfy on top of me. She was wearing nothing but a bra and some panties and I was wearing nun but my boxers.

This skin to skin contact was sending me into orbit. I wanted to get in ha guts but right now wasn't the time. She had just finished crying and she just wanted to cuddle. So of course I was gonna be her big ole teddy bear.

"I can't go to the funeral on Friday." She sniffled.

"Why?" I asked. "You have to."

"I don't know if I could deal with seeing her in that casket. Lifeless just looking like a poorly sculpted wax figure. Knowing no blood flows through her body anymore."

"Nani now you know damn well yo cousin would've wanted you at her funeral."

She sat there quiet for a while, then scrunched her face up hysterically crying. Snot and tears running all down her face.

"I can't believe she's gone. I can't believe it." She cried.

Holding her tight, I laid her back on my chest. I ain't care that all her snot was on me. All I cared about was her well-being. And I wanted to make sure she was okay.

"You have to go to her funeral and say your last goodbyes mama. She would've wanted it." I told her. "You could do it. You a strong ass individual."

"You gone be there with me?" I asked.

"Of course I'm gone be there. Holding your hand and making sure you go up and see her."

"Okay." She nodded wiping her tears. "It's just that-"



"No tell me." I insisted.

"Well what if they jack my girl up. Have her lace all lifted and makeup not done how she wants it. She has hooded eyes so they'd have to find a way to do her eyeliner and lashes on point and only she knows how to do it. Then what if they put that old ass red lip stick on ha and make her loo-"

"They not gone tear her up. I promise you. 9 out of 10 times, they have them looking alive...depending on who the makeup artist is." I assured her.

"It's prolly gone be some old ass 90 year old woman with shaky ass hands. Gone have her hair looking crazy too." She sniffled wiping her tears.

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