Chapter 1

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2020, Brooklyn Ny

Anais Adeya Jones
Monday, October 10th
"Okay, fuuuck." I moaned, throwing my head back. Dude had me in my favorite position and made me cum several times. It'd only been an hour but he was putting in that work.

He pulled out slowly, nutting all over the sheets then turning over to collapse on his back. He panted out of breath. And so did I.

"That was...good as fuck. Not gone lie." I chuckled, looking over at him.

"Nah for cap. I haven't fucked a bitch like that in wild long. Word to my moms." He panted, trying to catch his breath.

I gave him a small smile, getting out of his bed and from under his sheets. I stretched my body out. I was tired and I barely got any sleep the night before. My homework due today wasn't close to being done and I already knew my professor was going to give me shit about it.

He hated when I turned in homework late. I was usually good with turning it in but for some reason I'd been slacking lately. I needed to get back on my shit though because it wasn't like me. It wasn't like me at all. College was just stressful and it'd only been my second year.

"Where you goin?" Asked Josh...or Jason. I couldn't remember his name.

"Ummm...can I use your bathroom?" I asked.

He nodded his head. "Down the hall to your right."

"Thanks." I smiled, heading down the hall.

I didn't like taking showers at other peoples houses or apartments. Literally, I was only comfortable in my shower but I had no choice. My crib was on the other side of town and I had school in a few hours. I hated the decisions I made sometimes.

It was either do my homework, hand it in on time and get a good nights sleep or go to a dorm party, get drunk and find a random nigga to sleep with. I think it was pretty clear which decision I made.

Taking a deep breath, I entered Jason or Josh's bathroom and already I was disgusted beyond belief. The toilet seat had been all the way up with pee still in the toilet bowl, pubes were...everywhere. Surrounding everything.

I gagged almost turning away until the soap caught my eye. There was one giant hole in the middle. This nigga had been using it for...I didn't even want to finish my thought. I've had nasty bathroom experiences but this was BY FAR the worst.

I immediately scurried away out of the bathroom and back into Jason or Josh's bedroom. Then I grabbed my clothes from last night, putting them on.

"Wait shawty where you going?" He asked.

"I gotta go." I admitted.

"Was I not good? I thought you said I was." he questioned, sitting up.

"No, no you were but...honestly I don't think this could be a thing Josh." I said, sucking air through my teeth and shoving my feet into my sneakers.

"Its Jared..." he scoffed. "But what about all that shit you was sayin while we was fuckin?"

"Listen Jared...that was just pillow talk. You know? It helps me get off more." I whined. He was getting annoying and I thought there were no strings attached.

"So I ain't never gone see you again?" He asked.

"Never say never Jason. I mean we still might see each other around campus. I'll wave hi." I shrugged, putting my hoodie on.

"Nah but like I wanna see on some relationship type shit." he said, making hand gestures.

I took a deep breath. He was obviously stuck on me. It was a weird feeling too. Especially when you really wanted nothing to do with the person. Now I could see how my ex's felt.

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