Chapter 56

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Milo Delavan, a week later
February 1st
"You like the food?" I asked gripping my chop sticks stuffing my face with lo mein.

Maddy rolled her eyes, doing the same. "It's Chinese food. Of course not."

"Well at least I'm trying." I huffed, putting my container down to sip some soda.

"Not hard enough." She mumbled.

I took a deep breath. "Okay so what do you want? Cause you know I can't cook. You always complain about my food."

She shrugged her shoulders, finally looking up at me. "I don't know. Something other than this nasty ass chinese food!"

"Well Anais isn't here. She's with Luca. I guess when she comes back she could make us dinner again." I shrugged.

"Fuck her. Her food nasty too." She spat.

"Aight. The fuck wrong with cha now, huh? We ain't speak ain't nun but two words to each other all week and now you back at it again with the bullshit." I huffed, losing my temper. "I tried to be nice. Even after you went behind my back and messed with ole dude."

"Nothings wrong with me. Nothings ever been wrong with me. Maybe you need some help though...and why do you keep mentioning Sean. That's old news..." She scoffed.

"OLD NEWS? It happened exactly 166 hours ago...that's not old to me. He still violated you and like I said, when I see him it's on sight. And wait til Luca picks up my phone calls. He gone be tight." I spat, putting my can of soda down.

"Milo I'm so quick to smacking the shit out of you, you don't even know! GET OVER IT. I'm older than the dude himself...what's the big deal?!" She exclaimed.

I dragged both my hands across my face. "You just don't get it, do you?" I groaned.

"Get what? Your literally obsessed. Get over it Milo." Maddy chuckled.

"He violated you. I have a right to be upset!" I exclaimed.

"You don't know...WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!" She screamed.

I was taken back and instantly got chills. Her voice echoed throughout the now quiet house. Shit maybe even the neighbors could hear her ass.

I was still finna show her who was boss though."C-calm the fuck down."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?!" She exclaimed, levitating her body above the table. She looked down at me.

"Maddy sit the fuck down. It ain't that deep." I huffed, standing up and trying not to lose my patience with her.

"NO FUCK YOU!" She yelled, dropping to the ground and landing on her two feet.

Levitating a fork, she aimed it towards me but it hit the wall behind me instead.

"Why the fuck did you come back if you was gone be such a fucking bitch the whole time!" I exploded, throwing the fork back at her and letting it hit her in the chest.

I immediately regretted every last word that came out of my mouth. I never once called a girl a bitch to her face but the one time that I did, Maddy happened to be the one. My own sister.

Tears started forming in her eyes. When she saw that I realized she was about to cry, she stormed out of the room.

Them words would've never came out of my mouth before. Especially to a whole ass girl. Something bout my energy wasn't right. Something wasn't sitting right with a nigga at all. Ever since last week, I've had this feeling but ignored it.

I think I needed help. I needed to be evaluated. Good thing I had my therapist on speed dial though.

"Maddy come back here man! I ain't mean to say allat." I pleaded.

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