Chapter 84

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this song really don't go but this is my shit.
Anais Jones
I felt super light headed. I almost couldn't even move when I got up. I woke up in someone's bed, instantly hearing someone's voice.

"Anais? Anais you good?" I heard.

Looking around, I realized it'd been Milo. I jolted back a little taken back by him. Then everything that happened before I passed out came right back to me.

"I'm sorry! Did I scare you?" He asked backing away.

I shook my head no, obviously very scared.

"No, no I could tell you not aight. Here drink some water."

Milo handed me a fresh bottle of cold water. With hesitance, I opened it and took small sips. I started to feel better slowly but surely.

"W-what happened?" I asked finally gaining the courage to speak.

Milo took a deep breath contemplating his next words.

"A lot."

I furrowed my brows. "Would you like to explain? Or are you just gonna keep me in the dark?"

He took another deep breath. "How much do you remember before you passed out?"


"Everything meaning..."

"Everything meaning, getting off the train, walking up your block, into your crib, finding Luca drunk in the living room and him talking some crazy shit. He said sum bout y'all being witches then this like...ball of light came from his hands. That's when I got dizzy and passed out. And don't try to tell me that was just a fuckin dream."

He took yet another deep breath, dragging his hands across his face. "Ima be honest. But you have to have an open mind about this."


"Me and Luca aren't...normal."

"Yeah. No shit." I scoffed.

"Will you please..." He spat fixing his eyebrows and lips. "Were not like y'all. We like to think of ourselves as people who use a certain part of their brain percentage not everyone can access."


"We are our own ways. We have these gifts...that could basically help us do some pretty cool shit." He explained.

"So y'all are like supernatural beings?" I asked.

"Pretty much. Better known as a wizard, a warlock or...a witch. But we don't call it that cause it's corny and sounds fake because the media has fabricated our kind fa so long." He shrugged. "And we are all of the above."

One part of me didn't want to believe a thing he just said. The other part of me did. I wanted to believe him and I did believe him for the most part. I wasn't about to ignore what I seen with my own two eyes. Plus I always had this feeling. This strong feeling there was something more to Milo. Especially his brother. I just kept it in the back of my mind for the longest. This was just confirmation.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "Why did I have to find out through one of Luca's episodes?"

"Anais...something like this is something you can't trust everybody with. So I had to make sure I could trust you. Trust you not to tell anybody. Cause as soon as you or anybody else does, scientists out here poking and prodding at us. Or we getting sent to an asylum." He explained.

I understood his reasoning. But there was still something bothering me in the back of my mind. What Luca said. Because if this was true. Then maybe...he wasn't lying about...nah. That was crazy. He was crazy. Me and Luca? Never. That never happened. It was always me and Milo. I think...I didn't know what to believe anymore.

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