Chapter 31

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Milo Delevan
I had a weird dream last night. A really weird dream. I didn't even wanna talk or think about it cause it fucked me up that bad. But here I was, on my way to school thinking about it.

It started out with me and Luca fighting. Like we was out here fighting sum serious. Throwing fire and using force fields and shit. Then for some reason, we ended up in a grave yard. Right next to our parents graves, two new tomb stones were beside them. It was no shock to me when I saw me and Milo's names on the stones. Shit creeped me out but not like the next part.

Luca fell 6ft into his grave while some unknown forced tried to push me into mine. I looked into Luca's and he was still alive but his neck was broken. Then out of nowhere another grave next to ours appeared. It was empty and before I could read the name of who it was, I woke up in a cold sweat.

Something was coming and I couldn't figure out what. Usually when I had dreams like this, it would have a clearer meaning to it and in the end eventually come true.

Now I had something to worry about other than Anais.

Suddenly snapping me out of my thoughts, a loud motorcycle rode pass me. I already knew who it was.

With the wind whipping through his hair and no helmet on, Luca pulled up beside my car. He waved at me through the window, not looking ahead.

Then a car honked at him. He flipped them the bird. This nigga genuinely did not care about his life. It was like he wanted to die in the dumbest way possible.

Wasn't gone lie but it was good to see him happy. I ain't seen him like this since he been with his ex a couple years ago.

Pointing towards the road, I motioned for him to pay attention to what was in front of him. Instead of listening, the dumbass sped up and kept going. Popping wheelies and shit thinking he was so damn cool.

But again, at least the nigga was happy

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But again, at least the nigga was happy.

Walking through campus after getting here about 5 minutes ago, I looked for Anais. She told me she had sum to tell me this morning but she had to do it it in person.

Whatever it was, I was excited for it and it could only be something good. It had to have been. Immediately spotting her sitting on the benches, I happily glided over to her.

"It's so cold." She shivered, tucking her hands under her arms.

"Come here. Let me warm you up." I smirked, holding my arms out for a hug.

She got up from her spot on the bench, wrapping her arms around me while I did the same.

"How do you stay so warm?" She questioned, burying her face into my chest for more warmth.

Of course I wasn't gone tell her the real reason why but I did to humor her.

"Ima witch." I chuckled.

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