Chapter 35

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Luca Delevan
I only had a little bit of time to get shit done. The clock was ticking and wasting time wasn't an option. It was the end of the school day and niggas were flooding the parking lot trying to get home or to their dorms.

Anais was heading home right about now. I had to get there before she did which meant I had to leave my motorcycle in the parking lot until I was done with what I had to do. In order to get to her crib before her, I had to teleport there.

This shit was stressing me out.

I had to think back to when I climbed through her window. The shit was impossible because I was fucked up on the pow da. I barely even remembered that night. Felt like one of them dreams. But I do remember, choking her the fuck out.

I don't know why I did it. It was just the way I expressed my feelings I guess. I ain't mean to hurt her. I ain't even know I hurt her. I just didn't know my own strength. I ain't even know how the fuck I was gone cover my tracks after I got to her crib. For once I ain't have a plan.

When the parking lot was fairly empty, I hid behind one of the cars and thought hard.

"Take Anais mihi, in domum suam." I mumbled, closing my eyes. Like that, I showed up at Anais's place. Right in the middle of her bedroom.

As I was looking around I got flashbacks from when I was here over the weekend. How I was hitting shawty from the back on the dresser, on the floor, on the wall, just everywhere but her bed.

"Okay focus my nigga." I huffed, speaking to myself.

Looking around her bedroom, I tried to remember the night I choked her. I got flashes but nothing else. They were of me flying through her window.

All I had to do was replace my fingerprints with someone else's. But who's? I ain't know anybody I could blame this shit on and make it believable.

Conflicted, I took a seat on her bed. Next to her bed was her night table with two drawers. The top drawer was open and as I was about to close it, something caught my eyes.

It had that old nigga she was fuckin with picture on the front. Taking it out of her drawer, I realized it'd been his bitch ass eulogy. Guess she went to his funeral.

"Jared Dwayne Walker." I scoffed, reading his full name.

I hated him. Lying on Anais' name like a lil bitch. He made my ass itch.

Then the shit clicked together. He was dead, I could just blame the break in on him. Shit was so good it couldn't fail. How could it? I ain't waste no time neither.

Going near her window, I lifted it up with my mind and made sure I didn't touch it this time. I conjured luminous UV ray lights to see where my finger prints had been. It was hard to tell mine from hers but when I figured out who's was who's, I chanted the spell that would change my fingerprints into Jareds.

"Mutata in digito vestigia Jareds. Fac quod meum est eius."

Like that, my finger prints lifted from the window and were replaced with Jareds. They disappeared into thin air and I guess I was finished. My tracks were covered. I could go home and not have to worry bout 12 arresting me. I ain't have to worry bout being put back in the mental hospital when they figured I was just a "psychotic fuck".

As I was about to leave, my eye caught on to one thing outside the window. On the telephone, street cameras hung.

"Well fuck." I huffed, stepping up to the window and taking a closer look.

There was a camera on every telephone pole. This shit was turning into a nightmare. I was ready to give up at this point but then I had another idea. Replace the footage from that day with false footage of Jared climbing through Anais' window.

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