Chapter 3

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Milo Delavan
I deadass couldn't sleep. And it was like what? 4 in the morning. I had really bad insomnia. And this was gone bite me in the ass tomorrow. I hated not being able to sleep. It was something that I've always had since I was little.

Even sleeping spells didn't work. I'd always end up waking up 10 minutes later. But I think it was because my magic wasn't all that good. I would get Luca to help me but that nigga would probably kill me.

I should've never brought his ass back home. He deserved to stay in the fucking mental institution. His dumbass told some bitch our family secret thinking she'd take it lightly.

Then he threatened to kill shawty and her whole family. He followed through with killing the family dog. The girl reported him and once they evaluated him they came to the conclusion that he had a mild version of schizophrenia.

I thought it was bullshit at first. I've known my brother for 308 years. He'd never shown any signs of mental unstableness. Never. But I did notice small changes in him when we were bout 9. That's where it all started.

"Milo did you practice your book of spells?" My mother asked.

I nodded my head, picking my head up out of my book. I was telling a lie. It was a sin to tell lies. God condemned those who lied to hell. Hell isn't where I wanted to go at all.

"I have!" Luca exclaimed, rising from his seat at our dinner table.

"Show me what you learned." She smiled, rustling the curls on the top of his head.

Luca stood back. I watched him curiously, wondering what he was gonna levitate and break next. I chuckled at the thought burying my nose back into my book.

All of a sudden, my mother shrieked with delight.

"Luca!" She squealed. Then I heard Madeline squeal as well. I looked up watching as Luca levitated our baby sister in the air. Whirling her around and having her fly around the area.

"You really have been practicing!" She smiled, bringing Madeline down to safety on her own and embracing Luca with hugs and kisses.

"I can do that too." I shrugged.

"Really?" Luca asked knowing I couldn't do what he just did.

"Yeah." I boasted.

"Here." He smiled, placing an ordinary cup in front of me.

I stared at it then looked up at my mother who was seemingly waiting for me to levitate the cup.

I focused hard on the cup. On all of its scratches, smudges, and hand marks. I closed my eyes pointing my finger towards it. I heard everyone in the room gasp. Then I opened my eyes with excitement to see if the cup had been levitated but it had not. Instead it was on fire. I immediately panicked trying to blow it out as if that were going to work.

"Oh my goodness!" My mother panicked.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I cried.

And just like that, Luca put the fire out freezing it. The room was dead silent. No one made a peep. Only because we were in shock that Luca had that much power. We were only 9.

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