Chapter 21

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Anais Jones
the next morning
My alarm went off waking me up almost instantly. The first thing I did was hop out of bed and check my neck. The redness went away thank God. But the pain was still there. Only a little bit though. The pain medication the doctor gave me worked like a muh.

This shit was crazy. And what was even crazier is the fact I couldn't remember a damn thing. Who might've done it, nothing. It was wild. And it was weird as fuck too. Last night I had a nightmare that a dark figure flew in through my window like a shadow and choked me.

But they didn't just choke me. They kissed me too. I couldn't breathe at all and when I woke up, I woke up gripping my neck in the same way.

That whole thing just made me wanna stay home and it got me thinking I should actually stay home. I think I was. I was just gone email my teachers and ask for the work through the internet. Sort of how we did when we were on quarantine last school year. Then just give them my doctors note.

I needed a few days to myself. I couldn't be bothered. Maybe a social media cleanse was a good idea too. I needed to get mind in a better place before I could go back to my normal shit. I was gone have to call the people at work too.

Getting back under my covers, I went back to sleep getting the rest I needed.


Milo Delevan, 8:00am
I waited for shawty to walk into campus but when she didn't, I grew OD worried. Where the fuck was she? What the fuck was she doing? A nigga was worried about a girl that wasn't even his yet. Luca mighta been right bout the simp shit.

I ain't wanna text her but at the same time I wanted to know if my shawty was aight. I cared about her.

I looked around some more hoping I'd see somebody. Anybody. Her of course but also Luca, shit even Jared. Ask if they seen her. But Luca ain't come to school either. Nigga was passed out in the bed.

I could just open a magic window but I ain't wanna spy. I felt like a creep. But finding a corner, I opened one anyways, seeing if she was coming or not.

I opened it, squinting my eyes to see if I was seeing what she was doing correctly.

She was looking out of her kitchen window while sitting at her table and chewing on a bagel. She wasn't dressed in nun but a bra and some grey shorts.

I noticed that redness on her neck was close to be gone. I was still wondering what the fuck that was about. Shit boiled my blood. Made me wanna punch a hole through the face of the person who did it.

I watched her for a little. How she finished her bagel, washed her hands, and left the kitchen. She entered her room, getting back into bed and opening up her laptop.

"Man." I mumbled, closing the window.

She ain't even bother to tell me she wasn't coming. She would usually text me every morning but yesterday and today was different. She ain't say shit to me. She was drifting and I could feel it.

I held my head down, now walking into the school. Guess today was just gone be me, myself and my thoughts. My negative ass thoughts.

School was over and I was finally gone go home after a long ass day. It was wack as fuck too. I ain't have shit to do either. I had an idea though. I was gone paint. Shit always got my head off my problems.

But I needed more colors for what I had in mind. I used all my good ones with Anais. I was gone head to my normal art store by my crib but something told me to go and check the one round the corner.

I knew Anais worked today so maybe she was there. She just missed school.

I got my hopes all the way, thinking I was gone see shawty as I rushed down the block. I saw the store in the distance, getting closer and closer and when I was finally there I swung open the doors. First thing I saw was a lil curly headed shawty behind the register.

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