Chapter 33

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Anais Jones
Saturday Morning, 10:30am
I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun shining through my windows. I closed my curtains making it dark in the room once again. Then as I was about to fall back asleep, I realized Luca had still been in my bed. Asleep and sucking his thumb like a baby.

I sat up in bed realizing I'd been completely naked. Then I checked under the covers to see Luca's whole thing was just out and about. He had no underwear on either. Then it clicked.

We fucked again. Last night came back to me in pieces and I remembered a few things that happened.

He'd kissed me and from there it was a bunch of foreplay. More hickey's and bite marks. The man was different. I also remembered him choking me and the fact that he had to keep telling me to be quiet.

Trailing my finger across his forehead, I couldn't help but softly smile. He seemed so peaceful in his sleep. He didn't flinch or move as I touched him. He just laid still.

Carefully getting up from bed, I reached over him and made sure not to wake him. Then my feet touched the floor. I was finna get in the shower.

I smelled like nothing but sex and I needed that smell off me. Before I left my room, I looked at myself in the mirror. I loved the way I looked and how my body was shaped.

My butt could've been bigger but I was aight with it.

I grabbed my towel heading out of my room and down the hall into my bathroom. Then I turned the shower on hot.

In the shower I washed my hair and brushed my teeth in addition to washing my body. After my shower, I wrapped myself in my towel then headed back to my room, tracking wet foot prints on the floor.

When I entered my room, Luca had still been there asleep and sucking on his thumb. Couldn't help but smile at him some more.

Picking a bra from my top drawer, I chose a matching pair of panties to go with it then put them to the side. I took my lotion from my nightstand and moisturized. Next, I put some deodorant on. Finally, I put on my underwear and socks, tying my hair into a wet messy bun.

I felt good after my shower to be honest. Now all I needed was some tea. I wasn't going to wake Luca up until he was ready to get up, so I left him in my room, sound asleep. Making my way to my kitchen, I pulled a tea packet from my cupboard.

I put a pot of water to boil on the stove then threw the tea packet into the water.

I decided I was gone make some breakfast too. I had pancake mix and I think I had a few eggs left so I ain't waste any time cooking. Once my tea was ready, I poured it into a mug and set it to the side. I took out my pancake mix and the ingredients I needed to make the pancakes.

Putting it all into one bowl, I mixed it together until it was at the right consistency. Then I took a pan from inside my cabinets and cooked it in there once it was heated.

I didn't know how many I was gonna make though. I made extra just in case Luca decided to stay. Then I started on the eggs, frying them in a different pan.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. I turned around to see Luca standing at the doorframe. He tiredly dragged his hand across his face and let out a big yawn. His hair was messy and all over the place. And the nigga was walking round my place butt ass naked.

"Morning." He spoke.

His morning voice was heavenly.

"Morning." I blushed as if his dick wasn't just hanging out. The shit wasn't on soft either.

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