Chapter 32

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my song 😌
Anais Jones
I held on to Luca hella tight as we rode over the Brooklyn bridge. I closed my eyes too. We were above water and not only was I afraid of heights, I was scared of cold water too. One wrong swerve, Luca and I were going straight off the bridge into that Icy cold water.

"Anais I got you, don't worry!" He laughed as if he could hear my thoughts.

"I know but I just have a lot of anxiety. This is my first time." I shouted.

Soon after, Luca and I finally exited the bridge. We were now in Manhattan, riding through a little slower than usual being that there was a lot of traffic. This sort of allowed us to talk a bit.

"How you like the ride so far?" He asked.

"Scary but low-key fun." I admitted.

He sucked his teeth. "See what I told you?"

"Whatever." I smiled. "We almost there yet?"

"Yeah kind of. Ima take you over by south street seaport. They recently opened back up after bitch ass covid." He answered, as we came to a stop at a red light.

"Never been there before but I heard about it." I shrugged.

The light turned green and we sped off once again, causing me to hold him tighter. "Well after this you won't be able to say that." He shouted.

As we rode around in the streets, I rested my head on his back and watched the side view of everything. All of the bright Christmas lights and blurry visions of everything just really set the mood.


It was so pretty out here

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It was so pretty out here. A whole strip meant for shopping, stores, all types of cool restaurants. I was already in love with the scenery. I cannot believe I never been out here before.

Luca parked his bike where everyone else was. Right on the outside of the entrance. He locked it and made sure it was secure before we finally got to walking around.

"What you wanna go n see?" He sniffled, wiping his nose with his thumb.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Anything really."

"Anything?" He asked. "So would you mind seeing Candyman?"

"The one directed by Jordan Peele?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Okay bet." I smiled back.

As we walked down the street, we could hear Christmas music out of stores nearby. Then to our right, a bunch of ice skaters skated around. I watched them carefully looking at all that damn fun they were having. Just care free.

"You wanna do that?" Luca asked, pointing over to the ice skaters.

"Hmm? Oh no. I was just looking." I blushed.

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