Chapter 92

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Anais Jones
Next week, Wednesday evening
For the last two weeks I just been stressed. I only been pregnant one month and I looked 6 months. These babies were moving like no tomorrow. I couldn't even do the simple things I liked doing and it was killing me. It was getting harder to move and I only got hungrier and hungrier. Niggas thought I was hungry before, a bitch turned into Kirby when it came to eating now.

Sitting on my couch, I browsed on my computer looking for baby clothes. I just been doing this shit all day. I still couldn't believe I was about to be a mother. Sometimes I'd forget and roll a blunt but then stopped halfway. I couldn't even drink no more. Shit was blowing mine.

But it was whatever. I didn't care. I was happy enough to have two babies.

Today I just chilled in my bed all day and browsed the internet. Watching birth videos and shit, tryna look for two baby cribs under $500. I was stressing. Thank God I didn't have to move though. I could turn my extra room into the twins room until they turned a certain age and needed their space. I felt like I had this all under control. And with the help of my family and my baby daddy, I was good.

Closing my computer, I head to the kitchen to heat up a cup of noodles. I literally forgot to go food shopping in the midst of all this excitement, preparation and planning. Now me and the kids were stuck eating noodles until tomorrow. I had to go food shopping before work though.

After that, I had to look for a new job. Them $500 checks every two weeks weren't cutting it if I was gone be accommodating two mouths to feed. I had a lot on my plate. But tonight I wasn't even gone stress. Tonight was a relaxation night.

That was until my doorbell rang.

I sucked my teeth. I had no packages expected and my mom was busy so who the fuck was at my door?

Waddling my way to the stairs, I took precautious steps and opened the door. Milo stood there with a bunch of bags in his hand. "I came to drop these off if youn mind."

He invited himself in and head right up the stairs.

"I'm just gone set this stuff down in the kitchen."

"In the kitchen?" I questioned locking the doors and following him upstairs.

Once we reached the kitchen, I watched as Milo pulled out all my favorite snacks from the bags. Then a bunch of cooking ingredients.

"Here." He said, handing me one of the bags.

I was shocked as hell.

Putting the bag on the table, I opened it and pulled out shit from all over the city.

Polo sweaters meant for new borns, onesies made by Burberry, two pairs of matching yeezy booties. I'd say this shit costed about-

"5k...which isn't bad. My spending habits got better." He nodded obviously reading my mind.

My eyes widened. "5 THOUSAND?!"

"Yeah. Not bad, not bad. Gender neutral. Like you wanted. Two of everything too." He cheesed.

"Nigga I thought you were at target buying them shit the other day..."

"Nah I was but I brought mad boy clothes there." He shrugged. "Their on the bottom."

Digging to the bottom I reached past all that designer shit to the target clothes. They were so freaking cute. I couldn't help but tear. "Indigo gone look so cute in these."

"Indigo?" He questioned.

"Yeah. I was thinking Indigo if we had a boy." I shrugged, smiling at the clothes.

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