Chapter 57

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Anais Jones, 5:00pm
"Sooooo what you finna get me for Valentine's day nigga?" I smiled, looking over at Luca. He sat at the kitchen table tilting his chair back and forth just staring into space.

Now if he fell, I was gone laugh.

"Nothing." He shrugged.

I nodded my head, fixing him some freshly made scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. I took out two waffles from the toaster and put them beside the eggs and bacon making sure nothing touched. Then I handed him the plate with his favorite syrup."Bet."

Luca telekinetically opened the drawer and levitated a fork and butter knife to himself. "Chu mean 'bet?' Why you not trippin?" He asked. Nigga was clearly just tryna get a rise outta me.

"'s not sum to trip over." I smiled, shrugging my shoulders. "You want whipped cream with that?"

He furrowed his brow. "...yeah."

I smiled at him, opening the fridge up and grabbing it for him. Then I shook it and put it all over his pancakes. "Anything else king?"

" know I was just playin right. I am gone get you sum." He chuckled, hesitantly picking at his food.

"Oh I know." I smiled, taking a seat from across him. I caressed his chin gently pulling on the hairs then got right back up from my seat. "You thirsty?"

"No boo. But thanks. You the best." He smiled, looking up from his plate. "Come here."

I turned back around making my way back over to him. He motioned for me to sit on his lap so I did. As I did, he wrapped his one arm around my waist as he ate. "I love you, you know that right?"

I rolled my eyes, feeling butterflies in my stomach as he said that. "I love you too."

"Like there ain't a damn thing that could come between me n you. Deadass." He nodded, taking big bites of his food. He loved whatever I made him, even if it was breakfast in the evening. "You otha half a sum shit. We so alike."

"Nah for real. I just know you were like my past lover or sum shit." I chuckled, running my fingers through his hair and kissing his big ole forehead.

"I have a feeling we fucked with each other in a past life. We prolly did." He shrugged, using his fork to pick up a little bit of bacon and a little bit of eggs. Then he force fed it to me. "You could cook ya ass off. Look, my plate almost gone."

"Don't gas me." I laughed, chewing the food and wrapping both my arms around him.

The emotional and physical attraction I felt for him was unreal. Who would've thought a man that I hated just two months ago, would've snatched my whole heart away from me. Not me, but here we were.

It was crazy because when I thought about it, there was not one moment where me and Luca were separated. We were always together. Everyday like a crack head and crack.

"You da crack to my crack head." He hummed, standing up from his seat. I landed on my feet once he stood up and stood back.

"And vice versa." I laughed.

He put his plate in the sink then levitated me over to him. I landed safely in his arms but somehow still frazzled that just happened.

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