Chapter 44

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it's the chicken legs and the new born baby hair for me. what ab u guys?
Milo Delevan
I woke up today mad as fuck. That sleeping potion ain't work for shit. It was either me or it was just an old spell that hasn't worked for any witch in years.

Yeah the shit put me to sleep but I ain't finish my dream. It didn't work and I was more stressed about it now. There was nun else to do. Whatever was gone happen now was gone happen.

I was scared to see what it was and I was praying nothing would happen to me, Luca or maybe even Anais. Usually my dreams worked like that.

I didn't know what to do and I had no one to turn to. No one to vent to. No one to help me. I was losing my mind.

The only person that ever kept me sane during this was Anais but she was gone too. Luca fucked her and scared her away like he always did.

I heard a girl in his bedroom this morning. Probably another chick. Probably kicked Anais to the curb like he did with all the girls he took from me.

It was crazy how he just ran through women. Like he ain't respect em. It was fucked up for so many reasons. He was never gone learn.

I looked over at my phone, reading the time on the screen. 11:45am. Almost 12. I never really woke up this late but here I was. Laying in bed.

Stretching my body, I got up from my bed and opened my room door. I was gone get sum to eat fa breakfast.

After not eating for about a week straight, I could've used a bowl of cereal a sum.

Teleporting down the stairs, I turned the corner only to realize Luca had been at the front door trying to close it softly.

It took me by complete surprise cause this was my first time seeing him in a week. It was weird. He was glowing. Seemingly happy as fuck. At least someone in this house wasn't sad.

I gave him a head nod. He nodded back.

"You gettin ya self some cereal?" He asked, watching me as I entered the kitchen. He followed me in there.

"Yeah...why?" I mumbled, hearing my morning voice for the first time today. I opened the cabinet where we kept all of the bowls, plates, and cups then reached for a bowl.

He sucked air through his teeth. "I kind of ate the last lil bit."

I sucked my teeth, rolling my eyes and putting my bowl back in the cabinet.

"My bad..." He apologized. "I could gone get some more if you want."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Nah it's aight."

"You sure? I could get the kind you like." He offered.

I waved him off. "Luca it's fine. I'll just make myself a bacon egg and cheese."

He nodded his head, taking a seat at the kitchen table. I took a seat across from him. For a while we just stared at each other. It was awkward but we couldn't pry our eyes away.

"Can I talk to you? On some real shit. Brother to brother." He said breaking the silence.

"Gone head. Rap to me." I squinted, leaning back in my seat.

"First off how you doin?" He asked.

I was taken back as fuck. "Feeling like shit. Been having frequent nightmares. Can't sleep. Depressed. You?"

"Damn bro sorry to hear bout that." He sighed.

My face scrunched up. His nice act was foreign to me. He was either gone ask me for sum or turn around and say he did sum real bad. It was either or. "Where is this going Luca? Deadass."

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